Grand Canyon Chapter


Welcome to the Grand Canyon (AZ) Chapter of Sierra Club!


Saguaro Bloom photo credit Jim Dubinski

Saguaro Bloom by Jim Dubinski

About Us

Welcome to Sierra Club's Grand Canyon (Arizona) Chapter! We are one of the oldest and most influential grassroots environmental organizations in the United States, dedicated to protecting Arizona's natural heritage. 

Our Mission

To explore, enjoy, and protect the wild places of the earth; practice and promote responsible use of ecosystems and resources; educate and enlist humanity to protect and restore the environment; and use all lawful means to carry out these objectives.



Climate Solutions Now

Earth Day at the Capitol

Get Involved

Join one of our local groups or sign up for our AZ Newsletters to stay informed and active in environmental protection.


Photo of a group of people smiling in front of a building

Volunteers and Staff at Sierra Club Outings Leader Training

Prehistoric petroglyphs on rocks warmly lit by a sunset

(prehistoric petroglyphs -- photo credit by Jim Dubinski)

Listing of our upcoming events, across Arizona...   (see our "Scheduled Events" webpage too)

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