Student Contributor: Every Degree Matters

by Maria Traveno

Climate change is an undeniable reality. Our planet is experiencing unprecedented global warming due to excessive greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation, and other human activities.

Arizona has fluctuating temperatures, where one day the temperature may be very high, whereas the next day it may drop so low that snow is a probability.

Climate change affects the flora, fauna, and us! The necessity to delay school openings due to the extreme cold waves has become a reality. As students who live across the border, having to wait in line and walk to school in temperatures of -11° Celsius has caused the emergence of climate-related health problems.

In addition, preschoolers walking up to 15 blocks in these temperatures to get to school is a clear call to action.

We all have a shared responsibility in the fight against climate change. Governments, companies, civil society, and individuals must assume our role in protecting our planet and posterity.

We must invest in renewable energy, promote sustainable agricultural practices, conserve our natural resources, and adopt lifestyles that are more conscious and respectful of our planet.

Climate change is not only an environmental problem but also a moral, economic, and social one that needs an urgent response.

by Maria Traveno -- a 16-year-old residing in Douglas, AZ. She is deeply passionate about biology and committed to addressing climate change. One of her major goals is to pursue a degree in biology at the University of Arizona

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