Get Outside and Help Our Rivers and Watersheds!

Join the Sierra Club Arizona Water Sentinels.

by Jennifer Martin-McCleod

Arizona Water Sentinels collect water quality data monthly, May through October, one Saturday per month on the Verde River and one Monday per month on the San Pedro River. Join us for the next one! No prior experience or special equipment is required. Data collected are used to determine the health of these rivers and whether or not additional actions are needed to reduce certain pollutants.

Southeastern Arizona, through which the San Pedro River flows, had gotten some rain late in the summer. It was great to see water in September where in July we had seen only dry riverbed. It’s amazing what a little rain can do!

We will have one more monitoring event on each river this year – October 19th on the Verde and October 21st on the San Pedro.

We will be having lunch together after to celebrate another successful season and share our thoughts on what went well, what could be improved, and what we want the future of the program to look like. All are welcome, even if you haven’t been out before. Please join us!

Missed the monitoring season?

You can still participate in our monthly service projects in the Rio Salado Habitat Restoration Area. We go out monthly to help maintain this gem in south central Phoenix, removing invasive weeds, picking up trash, and planting native shrubs and trees. Lately we have been doing a lot of work to maintain the Butterfly Garden at the Central Avenue Trailhead.

For more information and to RSVP, you can go to the calendar on the chapter website or you can contact Jennifer Martin-McCleod at jennifer.martin@sierraclub. org or call (602) 423-6157.

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