Cast of Characters: Stormy & Canelo

1. Tell us a little bit about yourself (and Canelo).

Canelo and I are always together. We love volunteering and spending time outside. We are both native Arizonans and love this biodiverse state. Arizona has more biomes than any other state, is the only state with saguaros, and is the only state with all four deserts (including the Sonoran desert, which is the most biodiverse on earth). Canelo and I are both proud and happy Arizonans. (Maybe we are such Arizonans that when telling about ourselves, I end up telling about Arizona.)

I was born in Tucson, raised in Willcox, and graduated from Cochise Community College and Northern Arizona University, so have spent my life in many parts of Arizona. I was a public school teacher for a decade and was a single mom, raising a daughter camping, exploring, and enjoying all parts of Arizona.

2. What are your hobbies or interests?

Rock climbing, hiking, anything outdoors. Gardening, DIY projects, and crocheting (the newest learning), and LOTS of reading always keep me busy and productive when I’m at home.

3. What is your favorite outdoor activity (and Canelo’s)?

Yoga and sound meditations at the Desert Botanical Garden are relaxing and energizing to Canelo and I both, and something we both look forward to every cool season. This practice has even helped Canelo and I to find shady spots or quiet spaces on hikes to stop and practice mindfulness.

4. What is your favorite place in Arizona?

Grand Canyon–one of the seven natural wonders of the world here in our state, has been visited many, many times. I have hiked, rafted, camped, and enjoyed it in as many ways as possible. The Canyon’s beauty and wonder never cease to amaze me.

5. What made you want to volunteer with the Sierra Club?

Sierra Club was founded to get people to enjoy nature, to value it, and work to protect it. I love the outdoors and am very politically active, so Sierra Club seems the perfect match for me.

Sierra Club is the nation’s largest grassroots environmental organization, which does incredible, innumerable hands-on and logistical work to protect lands and animals here in Arizona and all over the country. Sierra Club is a non-profit organization, meaning volunteers are extra appreciated! I love giving my time somewhere it is appreciated, doing things I enjoy, and having an impact where it matters.

6. What do you believe are the biggest challenges facing Arizona?

Environmental Racism and Injustice

Easy access to democracy and voices being heard through free and fair Elections

Excessive groundwater pumping

7. What accomplishments are you most proud of and why?

I have personally registered over 100 new voters the last couple of years. I am always working to have as many people as possible registered, informed, and active to support a truly functioning democracy.

8. What one word do you think describes you best ?


9. What one word describes Canelo best?

Calm (Mellow)

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