Film "Every Last Drop: The Demise of Pinto Creek"

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This film, Every Last Drop: The Demise of Pinto Creek, was produced by award-winning filmmaker Craig Johnson.

Watch the film to learn about Pinto Creek and why this rare perennial stream should be preserved.

Arizona has been facing unprecedented water shortages in the Colorado River basin and must protect it’s own surface water like never before. Join former Arizona governor and US Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt along with a team of retired U.S. Forest Service employees and an environmental journalist as they sound the alarm about Pinto Creek, a rare river habitat in the arid desert that’s running dry.

A nearby copper mine is pumping water from this remote river valley, killing off rare riparian wildlife habitat and diverting copious amounts of natural mountain water away from the downstream Salt River system which provides water to Phoenix. With many tools at their disposal to protect Pinto Creek’s wildlife and water resource value, why is the federal government apparently failing to protect this gem in the desert?

A film by Craig Johnson. Brought to you by the Sierra Club Grand Canyon chapter and Sierra Club Palo Verde Group.

Film "Every Last Drop"











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