SPRNCA = 35yrs of Innovative Conservation on the San Pedro River (Herald/Review)

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From the Herald/Review article (Feb 26, 2023):

"Three decades of innovative conservation on the San Pedro River"
(to find this article -- just search their website -- for the above article title)


"In 1988, the San Pedro Riparian National Conservation area was established as the nation’s first national riparian conservation site. Today, the Bureau of Land Management oversees the protection of 47,000 acres of riparian habitat from the U.S.-Mexico border to the town of St. David.

The SPRNCA is an area of ecological significance for many reasons. It is one of the largest unfragmented landscapes in Arizona, second only to the Grand Canyon, and the Audubon Society has called it one of the best examples of a desert riparian ecosystem in the United States.

The creation of the SPRNCA has led to many innovative and collaborative conservation efforts..."

Map of Location of SPRNCA

















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