New Campaign for “Solutions for Pollution” in Arizona

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September 20, 2022

Sandy Bahr, (602) 999-5790,

More Than 160 Advocacy Groups Launch
“Solutions for Pollution” Campaign in Arizona and Need For Stronger Pollution Standards
to Protect Health, Tackle Climate Change

Phoenix, AZ — Building on landmark congressional climate, jobs, justice, and clean energy investments, hundreds of local and national advocacy groups are now focusing on the need for the Biden administration to use all its available tools to set the strongest possible health, environment, and climate protections.

Today, Sierra Club’s Grand Canyon Chapter, Moms Clean Air Force, Defend our Future, and Arizona Interfaith Power & Light, are joined by the Arizona Public Health Association, Chispa Arizona, Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments, and Physicians for Social Responsibility, to formally launch the Solutions for Pollution campaign in Arizona to drive ambition within the Biden administration to set the strongest possible pollution protections across federal agencies to make good on the president’s promises to cut climate pollution by 50-52%, advance justice, and protect our health and environment.

The Solutions for Pollution campaign is a broad and diverse coalition of more than 160 environmental, climate, public health, environmental justice, youth, and clean energy organizations organized by the Climate Action Campaign. On September 12th, the coalition sent a letter to President Biden calling for his administration to implement the approximately 20 federal protections included in the coalition’s Solutions for Pollution Action Plan that along with the Inflation Reduction Act would get us all the way to meeting the president’s climate commitments.

The news conference is available on Facebook.

To learn more about the Solutions for Pollution campaign, visit


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