ACC Reinforces Decision Opposing SRPs Coolidge Expansion

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Arizona Corporation Commission Reinforces April Decision
Opposing Salt River Project's Coolidge Expansion Proposal

ARIZONA – Today the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) reaffirmed its April decision in a 3 to 2 vote, denying a rehearing for a certificate of environmental compatibility for Salt River Project's proposed expansion of the gas-fired Coolidge Generating Station. In May, SRP filed for a rehearing, and today's renewed decision closes out the saga at the ACC. Any further action by SRP will need to be pursued in Superior Court. 

The ACC's renewed decision rejecting the proposal marks an important step in acknowledging the community members that have been advocating for the proposal's rejection and the clear record of its harmful impacts.

The Coolidge expansion would pollute surrounding areas, like the nearby historic Black community of Randolph, raise costs for customers, and exacerbate the climate crisis...

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