BLM to Reconsider Target Shooting in Sonoran Desert National Monument

[click for full "News Release" (2-page PDF -- with 12 photos)


Legal agreement: Land managers will reconsider allowing target shooting in 90% of Sonoran Desert National Monument, providing opportunity to protect desert life, cultural resources

Late yesterday, the Arizona District Court in Phoenix approved a legal agreement requiring the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to re-examine its decision to allow target shooting in 90% of Sonoran Desert National Monument, a quiet oasis of saguaro cacti, native desert life, ancient petroglyphs, and a rich cultural history just an hour southwest of 6 million people in the Phoenix area.

The agreement requires BLM to conduct new surveys and consider amending the Sonoran Desert National Monument resource management plan with regards to target shooting by October 21, 2023.

[click for full "News Release" (2-page PDF -- with 12 photos)

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