Senator Sinema and Senator McSally, We are Still in, are You?

News Release


May 30, 2019

Contact: Sandy Bahr, Sierra Club,, 602-999-5790

Columba Sainz, Ecomadres,, 520-664-8324

Vianey Olivarria, Chispa AZ,, 602-904-3728


Senator Sinema and Senator McSally, We are Still in, are You?
Groups and Local Officials Call on Senators to Act on Our Climate Crisis

Phoenix, AZ – In 2016, the United States signed the Paris Climate Agreement and pledged to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions 26–28 percent from 2005 levels by 2025. The goal of the agreement is to limit temperature rise by reducing greenhouse gas emissions; provide a framework for transparency, accountability, and achievement of emissions-reduction targets; and provide support to developing countries to mitigate and adapt to climate change. Now, the Trump administration is seeking to have the United States withdraw from that agreement, despite strong support from business leaders, the military, scientists, the pope, and a majority of the public in each state, including Arizona.

The U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 9 Climate Action Now Act, a bill that honors the U.S. commitment to the Paris Agreement and prohibits any federal funds from being used to take any action to advance the withdrawal of the U.S. from the Paris Agreement. It also requires the president to develop a plan on how the U.S. will meet its emissions reductions targets under the plan.

We are asking Senator Sinema and Senator McSally to join the majority in the U.S. House and more than 3,700 American organizations and leaders to support climate action to meet the goals of the Paris agreement and to co-sponsor a bill in the U.S. Senate to do so,” said Sandy Bahr, chapter director for Sierra Club’s Grand Canyon Chapter. “We have a climate crisis, including right here in Arizona, and we need strong leadership to address it at every level, including our two U.S. senators.”

Northern Arizona's economy and small businesses rely on access to our beautiful natural lands,” said Coral Evans, Mayor of Flagstaff. “I support federal action to reduce emissions, thereby mitigating the risk of catastrophic fire, safeguarding our water supply, and helping to preserve the natural beauty of northern Arizona for generations to come.”

The community has voted and our movement in Arizona will hold our elected officials accountable,” said Columba Sainz with Ecomadres. “We call for Senator Sinema and Senator McSally to make the right choice and stand with us and vote YES for the Senate version of H.R.9 Climate Action Now Act. We are in critical times and the health and lives of many Arizonans are at higher risk, especially communities of color and low-income communities who are disproportionately impacted.” 


Latinos and people of color are disproportionately impacted by climate change and air pollution, we require action to address the climate crisis,” stated Laura Dent, Executive Director of Chispa Arizona. “The passage of the Paris Agreement was an important step internationally to combat climate change, and the United States should not shirk its responsibilities. The House’s passage of HR 9 ensures we uphold our responsibility to combat climate change; our Arizona Senators should show their support for Arizonans and support HR 9.”


There is much we can do -- as individuals, as cities, businesses, and local, , regional, state, and federal governments,” said Lauren Kuby, Vice Mayor of Tempe. “If cities are responsible for 70% of global carbon emissions, then we need to step up, independent of the federal government, and reduce these emissions. That's why my city has adopted a 100% renewable energy goal for our city operations. Cities in the US are on the frontlines of global climate emergency and must fight to protect our most vulnerable residents, who are most impacted by the climate crisis.”

