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All Our Updates (recent at top) = 310+ articles on 31+ pages, since 2013. . .
Environmental Impact Statement for the proposed South Mountain Freeway
May 4, 2013
Please take action! The Arizona Department of Transportation recently released a Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the proposed South Mountain Freeway, a 22-24 mile, eight-lane highway that would cut through South Mountain, exacerbate air...
Going With the Flow report
May 2, 2013
May 2, 2013, The Grand Canyon Chapter of the Sierra Club released the Going With the Flow report, summarizing the results of over five years of volunteer flow monitoring on the upper Verde River by the Arizona Water Sentinels, a grassroots citizen...
Judge Upholds Uranium Mining Ban
April 21, 2013
U.S. District Judge David Campbell today denied a uranium industry motion to overturn the Obama administration's ban on new uranium mining on 1 million acres near the Grand Canyon. The ban was adopted January 2012 to protect the Grand Canyon's...
Going Native: Savoring the Southwest
April 20, 2013
Going Native: Savoring the Southwest. Join us for this exciting conference on April 20th to learn more about our place in the southwest, including local foods and actions. Gary Paul Nabhan will provide the keynote address, followed by insightful...
Uranium Mine Threatening Grand Canyon
March 23, 2013
Havasupai Tribe, Conservation Groups Challenge Uranium Mine Threatening Grand Canyon, GRAND CANYON NATIONAL PARK- The Havasupai tribe and three conservation groups today sued the U.S. Forest Service over its decision to allow Energy Fuels...
Arizona Wilderness Areas Destroyed by Border Patrol Vehicles
March 2, 2013
New Video Shows Arizona Wilderness Areas Destroyed by Border Patrol Vehicles, TUCSON, Ariz.- Conservation groups today released a video depicting off-road vehicle damage caused by Border Patrol operations in designated wilderness areas of Arizona'...
Environmental Day at the Arizona Capitol
February 13, 2013
Environmental Day at the Arizona Capitol a Huge Success More than120 Environmental Advocates Meet with Legislators from 25 Districts, Phoenix, AZ - On Tuesday, February 12, 2013, at the Arizona State Capitol, more than 120 people from throughout...
Protecting Arizona's Environment
February 12, 2013
On Tuesday, February 12, 2013, at the Arizona State Capitol, more than 100 people from 25 different legislative districts will meet with their state legislators throughout the day to encourage support of environmental protection and conservation...
Grand Canyon Uranium-mining Threats
January 11, 2013
One year after the Obama administration enacted new protections limiting uranium-mine development on 1 million acres around Grand Canyon National Park, pollution and legal threats from the uranium industry remain. Five uranium-industry lawsuits -...