Safety Policy

Angeles Chapter Safety Policy

 (Approved July 2020.) 

The outings world has changed more in the past few years than at any time in memory. Our Angeles Chapter Safety Policy must keep up.

Download the 2020 AC Safety Policy Word doc or PDF

None of the most recent changes should affect the way we conduct outings. Instead these changes conform policy with practice. For example: 

  • Campfire Events is now listed as the default platform for posting outings.

  • First aid certifications expire when the issuing agency says they do. The policy previously said that first aid certifications were valid for four years. The language change is in line with a directive from the Club, effective in 2018.

  • We clarified the definition of the E rating, which governs our most adventurous mountaineering trips. The original language was written in the 1970s when rock-climing standards were still in their infancy. Conforming with longtime practice among the Chapter’s climbing sections, the E rating {mountaineering} is now defined as “greater than class 3."