
The Angeles Chapter Outings Program

Angeles Org Chart

 The Angeles Chapter has by far the largest local outings program among Sierra Club chapters. Managing our outings program - with all of its diverse offerings - takes many people dedicated to ensuring that all of our Groups / Sections / Committees have what they need to thrive. The Chapter Org Chart displayed here shows how this works. These three Angeles Chapter committees (i.e., Conservation Committee, Outings Management Committee and Political Committee) have different functions, but all three have  essential roles. Outings Management (OMC) oversees the outings program across all of the chapter entities and supports outings chairs. Its Chair and voting members serve as a branch of the Chapter's Executive Committee. OMC also includes: Leadership Training (LTC) helps with leader development by training leaders, and the Safety Committee grants leader ratings and serves to see that outings are conducted safely and within Chapter and Club guidelines. Other members of OMC are the Angeles Chapter's Inspiring Connections Outdoors (ICO) and the Wilderness Training Committee, sponsor of the annual Wilderness Travel Course (WTC). For information about the Safety Committee, including policy and more, visit the Safety pages on this site. 

Outings Management Committee

The Outings Management Committee (OMC) manages all aspects of the outdoor activities program of the Angeles Chapter, including training and risk management, promotes outdoor leadership, and provides support for entity outings chairs. Voting members include the Safety Committee Chair, Leadership Training Committee (LTC) Chair, Wilderness Travel Committee (WTC) Chair, Inspiring Connections Outdoors (ICO) Rep and five at-large reps from our outings leadership community. OMC hosts an annual Outings Assembly. Read about the 2019 Assembly in the news blog post
Here are members for 2021 (*Voting members) 
*LTC Chairs:  Adrienne Benedict and Jane Simpson 
*Safety Chair:  Jim Hagar
*WTC Chair: Pamela Sivula
*ICO Rep:  Julie Garner
* Outings Reps for 2024: Donna Specht, Mark Allen, Mark Fleming, Silvie Cote
Campfire / LEADERS Liaison / WebmasterJane Simpson and Laura Rainey
Conservation Committee Liaison: Charming Evelyn
Fundraising and International Trips Liaison: Donna Specht
Huts & Lodge Liaison: Gil Estrada
Chapter Chair (ex officio): Dyana Peña and Sr. Director Morgan Goodwin
Chapter *Ombudspersons:
About the  Ombudspersons: The Ombuds' scope of work generally covers outings concerns, including leader or participant complaints such as refunds, or conduct disputes. The Club's philosophy on resolving conflicts is to do so at the most local level possible. Ombuds will provide coaching and are available on a consulting basis . For entity/management disputes or personnel problems, contact Chapter Chair and Sr. Director.
- Campfire Community.  You should be able to access if you already have Campfire Events access. Let us know if you need help.

Leadership Training Committee

The Leadership Training Committee (LTC) conducts the Leadership Training Program that prepares prospective leaders for certification by the Chapter Safety Committee. LTC also sponsors leader development training such as navigation events and rock and snow practice and checkoffs. LTC currently sponsors the Advanced Mountaineering Program (AMP).

LTC Chairs:  Adrienne Benedict and Jane Simpson
LTC Admin Team: (also for co-chairs)
Seminar Registrar: Pamela Sivula at 
Safety Chair:  Jim Hagar
Secretary: Vacant
Treasurer: Chris Stoneley at
Administrative Chair: Adrienne Benedict via
 - the Admin email reaches both LTC chairs and a team who handle database management
Environmental Awareness: Vacant
Navigation Chair: Robert Myers
Outings Chair: Robert Myers
Rock Chair:  Greg Mason
Snow Chair: Regge Bulman
First Aid Chair: Steve Schuster for WFAC
OMC Chair(s): Emmy Goldknopf and David Morrow 
Webmaster: Jane Simpson and Laura Rainey
Publicity: Vacant
Advanced Mountaineering Program (AMP) Greg Mason
Provisional Lead Committee (PLC) for M and E candidates: Contact:

 Learn about PLC on the Advanced Ratings pages.

Download the 2020 AC Safety Policy Word doc or PDF

National Sierra Club office: 2101 Webster St Suite 1300 / Oakland, CA 94612 / Main phone: 415-977-5500  / Phone for emergencies: 1-888-Outings (888-688-4647)

Sierra Club, Angeles Chapter NEW ADDRESS

617 W. 7th St, Suite 702 Los Angeles, CA 90017

tel: 213-387-4287