Past Meetings

The Palouse of Eastern Washington


Rod Barbee took Us to the Palouse in Eastern Washington and then whisked us up to Sitka for bubble-net feeding humpback whales!
February 2024. 

Watch the recording on Vimeo here: Rod Barbee, Sierra Club Camera Committee 2/8/2024 on Vimeo

a bug by Bevery Houwing

December Members Show - Beverly Houwing kicked it off with this Giraffe Weevil from Madagascar.

The December 2023 Members Show

Featuring Beverly Houwing, and more

Watch the recording here on Vimeo


October 2023 Meeting

Amongst the California redwoods ©Ralph Nordstrom

Ralph Nordstrom presented Two Lessons in Two Environments.

October 2023

Ralph Norstrom presented two photo technique lessons. First photographing BIG TREES with special attention on California’s Coastal Redwoods. Then Ralph talked about the photo challenges and advantages of photographing in Zion National Park and gave us a bit of Zion's geological background.

About Ralph  My photographic journey has taken me through many stages over the years. Early on, I didn’t know what I was doing but I was filled with enthusiasm. Then, I realized I needed some help if I was going to grow as a photographer, so I started attending workshops. As my skills grew, I found myself looking over my shoulder wondering if ‘they’ would approve of my photographs. But I finally had the confidence to realize that it is ‘I’ who has the last word. Now I’m focused on the expressive qualities of my photographs, wishing to share the emotions I felt in the field with my viewers. This has led to authoring a book titled “Creating Expressive Landscape Photographs.” I’m currently looking for a publisher.

Some of the best ways I can think of to give back to the photography community is to speak to photo organizations such as yours and lead photography workshops. I invite you to check out my work and workshops at

The recording of Ralph's program is here Ralph Nordstrom-Sierra Club Camera Committee on Vimeo


August 2023 Meeting

Land Iguana in the Galapagos Islands  ©  Krisztina Scheeff, all rights reserved

Krisztina Scheeff presented  The Galapagos Islands and Ecuador
August 2023

Galapagos Islands and mainland Ecuador offer incredible opportunities for natural encounters, whether you are a photographer or not. Through the lens and stories of award-winning photographer Krisztina Scheeff embark on an up-close view of these wonderful wildlife rich places. Krisztina takes you on a photographic journey of some of the special places on the Galapagos Islands: Booby traffic jams, Galapagos Turtles, land iguanas as far as you can see, cute sea lions. Then embark to the Cloud and Rain forests of Ecuador to see all the different species of Hummingbirds and more!

View the recording here:

April 2023 Meeting

Sudan Pyramids under the stars  ©  Greg Metro, all rights reserved

Greg Metro presented Travel Photography: From Ordinary to Extraordinary
Thursday, April 13, 2023 

Greg offered advice on preparing for photo outings with recommendations for apps and gear. 

View the recording here:

Februrary Meeting 2023

Breaching Humpback Whale © Alyce Bender, all rights reserved.

Alyce Bender presented Wildlife of Sea and Sand: Destinations for Southern California Photographers. 
Thursday, February 9, 2023 

Loads of helpful information on gear and outfitting as well as photo technique. Alyce's thoughts on the ethics of wildlife photography are a bonus.

View the recording here:


Membership Backdrop

The 2022 Winter Members Show 
Thursday, October 13, 2022 

Hear and see contributors Dan Gee, Josie Belfiore, Jeff Davidson, Ed Ogawa, John Fisianoti, Joyce Harlan, Velda Ruddock, and Joe Doherty.  Good show. 

View the recording here on Vimeo

Our National Monuments

QT Luong - Our National Monuments 
Thursday, October 13, 2022 

QT's website: Terra Galleria  

Replay presentation here

Feb 2022 Meeting

Gary Crabbe – Enlightened Images
Thursday, February 10, 2022 

Gary discussed the images he is famous for – Vineyards, and the California backroads and coast, especially his Point Reyes images, and how his images were selected for the Forever Stamps. His stories and photo tips were entertaining and informative.

Gary Crabbe’s website:

Replay presentation here


2021 Member Show

Photo © Joe Doherty, all rights reserved.

2021 Member show
Thursday, December 9, 2021

Several Camera Committee members presented a selection of their best or favorite images. Some were photo essay; others were travelogue or collection on a theme. This was a non-critical, non-judgmental evening of breathtaking photography.

Evening with Lisa Langell

Thursday 12/9/2021
Lisa Langell gave us a better understanding of how to differentiate photography markets and shoot for them in order to create modern nature photography that is desirable to consumers looking to adorn their interiors.

Brent Paul Photography

Thursday, February 12, 2021
California wildlife photography tips, tactics, and field techniques. The 90-minute show highlighted wildlife species (bobcats, birds, black bears, others) and locations throughout the state in a 300-image show.

Replay the 90-minute show here

Robert OToole Presentation

Photo © Robert OToole, all rights reserved.

Robert OToole Presentation
Thursday, June 10, 2021 

Multi-award winning wildlife photographer shared his work and adventures.
There is no replay for this presentation.

Robert Ketchem

Photo © Robert Ketchum, all rights reserved

Photographer and Conservationist – Robert Glenn Ketchum
There is no replay for this presentation.  Robert's website is a great resource.

Thursday, April 8, 2021 

This presentation was on the saving of Alaska's Bristol Bay and the North American Salmon Fishing Industry from the ravages of mining development.  


2021 Member Show

Photo © John Nilsson, all rights reserved.

The 2021 Member show  
Thursday, February 11, 2021 
There is no replay for this presentation.


MIchael Chamoun

Photo © Michael Chamoun, all rights reserved

Denali: Land of ice and snow presented by Michael Chamoun
Thursday, December 10, 2020
West Los Angeles Sierra Club member Michael Chamoun scaled Denali via the West Buttress in the spring of 2018. In this meeting he shared his first-hand account of what he experienced through photos, videos, and a Q & A.

Brian Leavy

Photo © Brian Leary all rights reserved

Timelapse! The art of time-lapse photography presented by Brian Leary of Light Source Journeys
Meeting October 8, 2020 

Watch the presentation: here  [1:29:58]    How-to tutorials : here

Urban Nightime Photography

Photo © Brian Leary all rights reserved

Urban Nighttime Photography presented by Brian Leary of Light Source Journeys
Thursday, August 14, 2020 

Just because the sun has set doesn’t mean you have to put that camera away! Brian Leary shows us everything from the equipment we’ll need to the techniques and what to look for to make our night photos stand out.

Watch the presentation : here  [1:21:41]


Photographer's Guide to Iceland

Photo © Becky & Paul Witt, all rights reserved.

A Photographer’s Guide to Iceland by New Jersey Audubon photography instructors, Becky & Phil Witt
Thursday, June 11, 2020

Iceland's scenery is shaped by intense geologic forces. Becky and Phil Witt  share their photographic journey across this island nation, complete with equipment and technique tips for capturing the country's sights.

Watch the presentation here   [1:21:05]


A journeiy through Iceland

Photo © John Fianotto, all rights reserved

A Journey through Morocco presented by John Fisanotti
Thursday, April 9, 2020 

Long-time member John Fisanotti treated us to a photo presentation of his recent trip to Morocco. The color and culture of the region make this a go-to spot on your bucket list!

Watch the presentation : here  [1:38:15]

About Our Banner

After photographer Nick Brandt shared large scale B+W prints on the floor of our December 2009 meeting, he gave us a slideshow and told more amazing and moving stories of capturing portraits of a variety of East African beasts and of the adversity they faced every day. In 2009, in his book On This Earth, he wrote:

I'm not interested in creating work that is simply documentary or filled with action and drama, which has been the norm in the photography of animals in the wild. What I am interested in is showing the animals simply in the state of Being. In the state of Being before they are no longer are. Before, in the wild at least, they cease to exist. This world is under terrible threat, all of it caused by us. To me, every creature, human or nonhuman, has an equal right to live, and this feeling, this belief that every animal and I are equal, affects me every time I frame an animal in my camera. The photos are my elegy to these beautiful creatures, to this wrenchingly beautiful world that is steadily, tragically vanishing before our eyes."

His work continues.  See