Past Camera Committee Outings

Allan Der's Fall Color and Mono County Exploration

October 8 – 11, 2021

Fall color and Mono County exploration


As the Camera Committee sponsored its first outing since the start of the pandemic, we traveled to Mono County and lodged in Lee Vining or camped locally. They reveled in freedom of being the outdoors and celebrated the fall colors. We got in an excellent visit to Bodie before winter crept up on us. Near the south shore of Mono Lake, the weather turned blustery, then cold. We moved on hoping for some cover in the foothills but the snow beat us to it! Hot chocolate at Tom's Place was the parting gift. 

Photo © Elizabeth Bassarian, all rights reserved.

John Nilsson's Alabama Hills Trek


Alabama Hills Trip


March 6 – 8, 2020

Our intrepid photographers visited Ansel Adams tripod marks near Manzanar to capture iconic views of Mount Williamson

Photo © John Nilsson, all rights reserved

Alison Boyle's Tide Pools Outing in Crystal Cove 

Tide Pools in Crystal Cove

November 26, 2019

We scooted around rocks, explored caves, hovered over pools, got wet, and finally gazed quietly over the beautiful sunset.  After that we had dinner and celebrated a successful outing!

Photo © Velda Ruddock, all rights reserved.

Steve Anderson's Fall Colors in the Mono Basin Photo Exploration

Fall color trip

October 18 – 21, 2019

Steve led us in and out of the Eastern Sierras and up and down Highway 395 for this trip based in Four Jefferies Campground. 

Photo © John Nilsson, all rights reserved.

Joan Schipper's Tejon Ranch Wildflower Hunt

Tejon Ranch trip


Tejon Ranch trip

Spring 2019

The Tejon Ranch Conservancy treated 15 members of SCCC to a glorious wildflower bloom in the Spring, 2019.  Even though the weather was cold and blustery, the photography was glorious and a good time was had by all.  Thanks to the Tejon Ranch Conservancy for allowing us on this beautiful property!

Photo © John Nilsson, all rights reserved.

About Our Banner

Allan Der led a small band of photographers on the first Camera Committee outing of the Sierra Club's Post-Covid Reopening period. The first morning he got us up and out to catch dawn over Mono Lake.  It was exhilarating after being cooped up for more than eighteen months.  
Allan led us all over the Eastern Sierras and into the mining country around Bodie. The colors were hit and miss. We were a little late for the peak colors but we were thrilled to be out there, until the snowfall. Elizabeth got some good captures of fall colors and snow.

Photo by Joan Schipper