
Focal Points Magazine

Focal Points Magazine is the official publication of the Camera Committee. Produced in full color (or lush black+white) in a high-resolution electronic magazine, it is always available here and is delivered six times a year to each subscribing member by email. FPM is 70+ pages of illustrated articles, programs announcements, outings announcements, travel reports, how-to's, committee and member news, and pages upon pages of wonderful member photographs delivered in even-numbered months. Subscribe by joining the Camera Committee.   

A dragonfly perches on a lotus flower bud at the Chicago Botanical Garden.

Cover photo: A dragonfly perched on a lotus flower in Chicago Botanic Garden. Copyright Velda Ruddock 

In the May/June issue:

  • Cover Story Photographing in Botanical Garden
    An avid flower photographer explores the benefits of preparation, patience, and keeping your eyes open when visiting a botanical garden.   by Velda Ruddock    
  • Trip Report: Hunting the Milky Way on Broken Top by Charlie Hyman    
  • Trip Report: Dark Sky Photography in Utah by John Fisanotti    
  • How-to: Make a Book, Part One by Joe Doherty

All images in this publication have copyright retained by the photographers.

Click here for past issues of Focal Points Magazine

Joe's Newsletter

Twice each month, Joe Doherty sends the Camera Committee Newsletter to members with committee announcements, links to past programs, and items Joe thinks will be of interest to our members like photo exhibits, nature photography articles, calls to enter.  You have to be a member to receive this newsletter! Subscribe by joining the Camera Committee

Social media

The Camera Committee social media includes our news and we cross-promote meetings and outings from other groups, along with items we think will be of interest to our members such as photo exhibitions, nature photography articles, calls to enter, etc.

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A frog peeks out from the lotus pond at the Chicago Botanic Garden.

Photograph copyright Velda Ruddock, 2023.