About Us

Our members

Our members are photographers and those interested in supporting the goals of the Sierra Club through photography. While our meetings and activities as well as access to our available to everyone, our members also subscribe to the Focal Points Magazine and are more likely to actively participate in our visual contributions.

Committee Management

The Camera Committee is a volunteer group. Our leadership is devoted to keeping the Committee vibrant and supporting the Angeles Chapter. We invite members to participate in committee management by holding an administrative office (Chair, Treasurer, Membership Chair, Programs Chair, Outings Chair, Communications Chair, and Publications Editor). Our planning meetings are open to all interested members.
Officers and outings leaders are required to be Sierra Club members and member-subscribers of the Camera Committee.

Outings Leaders

Our leaders want to make each outing the best possible with great photos at the end to prove it. Some are professional creatives, but all are skilled, talented and enthusiastic photographers.

Our outings leaders have completed the Sierra Club's Leadership Training Course with refreshers every four years and are first-aid and CPR-certified every two years. They have successfully completed provisional outings under the observation of qualified Sierra Club leaders and serve under the supervision of the Angeles Chapter Safety Committee.

If you are interested in leadership training, contact Outings Chairs Alison Boyle or Joan Schipper.

Contact Information

List of Camera Committee leaders and management