Sierra Borealis: Alaska Report
Sierra Borealis: Alaska Report- September 2024
- BLM Considers Expanding Protections in National Petroleum Reserve–Alaska
- Alaska Chapter Election Ahead: Calling for new volunteers
- Bear baiting by sport hunters banned in the national preserves
Sierra Borealis: Alaska Report- June 2024
- Victory on Ambler Road!
- Assessing Performance of the National Highway System, Greenhouse Gas Emissions Measure
- Ranked Choice Voting in Alaska
Sierra Borealis: Alaska Report- March 2024
- The good and bad state energy bills with the potential to pass this session
- Government Accountability Office agrees Biden Administration had legal authority to cancel leases in the Arctic
- Introduction from our new board chair
Sierra Borealis: Alaska Report- December 2023
- Why the Ambler Road would be a disaster for Alaska
- Gwich’in leader warns of continued threats to the Arctic National
Wildlife Refuge - Lots of upcoming events and elections
Sierra Borealis: Alaska Report- September 2023
- Good News: Biden Administration cancels Arctic Leases!
- Izembek and LNG Updates
- Upcoming Chapter Board Elections
Sierra Borealis: Alaska Report- June 2023
- A recap of the renewable energy efforts of the 2023 legislative session and a profile of Fire Island Wind Farm
- New Sierra Club Executive Director Ben Jealous visits Alaska
Looking ahead to the 60th anniversary of The Wilderness Act
Sierra Borealis: Alaska Report- April 2023
- Biden approves damaging Willow fossil fuel drilling project
- Izembek National Wildlife Refuge wilderness land exchange canceled
Upcoming Outings and Legislative Action Alert
Sierra Borealis: Alaska Report- December 2022
- Avalanche safety and recent outings
- The serious concerns around a proposed Liquid Natural Gas Pipeline
Upcoming Executive Committee election information and candidate bios
Sierra Borealis: Alaska Report- September 2022
- Summer Arctic Roundup featuring a recap of our staff's trip to The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
- How Commuter Rail would benefit Alaskans and the environment
Action items to protect Cook Inlet from new drilling!
Sierra Borealis: Alaska Report- June 2022
- Update on the fight against Pebble Mine (with an action item!)
- Reflection on The Just Transition Summit and thoughts on how to get Alaska to a regenerative economy
Jimmy Carter and Bruce Babbitt join the fight against a road in Izembek Wilderness
Sierra Borealis: Alaska Report- March 2022
- Our Fight to Stop the Ambler Road is Far From Over, featuring an article from Trustees for Alaska
- Update on The Willow Project: A Climate and Biodiversity Disaster
Sierra Club Alaska Chapter seeks Volunteer Changemakers!
Sierra Borealis: Alaska Report- December 2021
- Fifty years of The Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act
- Important Action Item on Tongass!
- Upcoming Executive Committee Elections
Sierra Borealis: Alaska Report- September 2021
- Willow Project Victory!
- Help stop an illegal quarry in Talkeetna by sending a letter to DNR
- Summer Outings Report
Sierra Borealis: Alaska Report- June 2021
- Conservation Easements to protect Bristol Bay area from proposed Pebble Mine development
- Governor Dunleavy asserts state management control of Alaska navigable rivers and lakes
- Arctic Refuge rides high -- no more leasing now--or any time soon But Administration should permanently cancel drilling leases
Sierra Borealis: Alaska-Report March 2021
- The Historic Interior Secretary Nomination of Representative Deb Haaland
- Alaska Chapter Litigation Updates
- Electric Vehicles-- The Future of Automobiles
- Winter Hikes in Fairbanks
Sierra Borealis: Alaska-Report Dec 2020
- Armh Corps denies Pebble mine permit, but not yet over.
- Chapter EXCOM Election: vote
Sierra Borealis: Alaska-Report Sept 2020
- Meet new Alaska Chapter Director Andrea Feniger
- Novemer 2020 election Alaska legislatrue guide
- Fight agains racism in Alaska
Sierra Borealis: Alaska-Report June 2020
- Amber Road-a bad prospect for Alaska's Economy and Environment
- Exploring Alaska During the Pandemic
- Pebble Mine-the treats keep on coming
- Stand in solidarity with the Gwich'in Nation
Sierra Borealis: Alaska-Report March 2020
- Victory! Arctic drilling loses two more big investors
- New 2020 Alaska Chapter Excom: Heather Jesse Chapter Chair.
- Can you help? Chapter seeks a Compliance Officer and fundraising chair
Sierra Borealis: Alaska-Report-Dec 2019
- Action Alert: Keep the Roadless Rule inTongass National Forest: Take Action NOW
- Victory! No Arctic Refuge Drilling Leases
- Chapter Divests form "Oily Wells" Fargo
- Alaska Chapter Executive Committee Eleciton
Sierra Borealis: Alaska-Report-Sept 2019
- Logging looms larger in the Tongass National Forest
- Action Alert: Comment NOW on Central Tongass Project DEIS
- Alaska Chapter Election Ahead
- Upcoming Chapter Outing: Sept 21 International Coastal Cleanup Day
Sierra Borealis: Alaska-Report-June 2019
- Pebble Mine comment extended to June 29: tell them No Pebble!
- Alaska Chapter Spring amd upcoming Outings
- Alaska Chapter meeting: June 26 Goose Lake Anchorage
Sierra Borealis: Alaska Report-March 2019
- Arctic Refuge Comment Period ends March 13 2019. Voice your opinion.
- Alaska Chapter Outings for beginers.
- Alaska Chapter Meetings: March 27 & April 24, 2019.
Sierra Borealis: Alaska Report- December 2018
- Alaska Chapter Elections: Please Vote!!
- Alaska Chapter General meeting: January 16 2019
- Alaska Chapter Outing: Dec 16 2018, Jan 13, 2019.
Sierra Borealis: Alaska Report- September 2018
- Action Alert: Chugach Forest Plan needs Your Comments now!!
- Alaska Chapter Election Ahead: Will you step up ro help run the show?
- Alaska Chapter Outings trip: Johnson Pass Trail Hike September 22
Sierra Borealis: Alaska Report- June 2018
Sierra Borealis: Alaska Report - March 2018
Alaska Chapter
Introducing the 2018 Alaska Chapter Executive Committee; New Chapter Char: Christin Anderson; Celbebrate Prince William Sound on May 3 Anchorage. Updates: Pebble Mine status, Izabek Land exchangege. Voice your opinion on bear bait proposal at Federal Subsistence Board. Sierra Club Outing 2018 planning.
Older News
Sierra Borealis: Alaska Report - December 2017
Sierra Borealis: Alaska Report - September 2017
Alaska Chapter
Trump Administration threatens Alaska fisheries and parks; Walls of Mountains Visit to the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge; Alaska Chapter Elections Ahead YOUR chance to help run the show;National Park Service rule to protect wildlife in preserves;Help Protect the Chugach National Forest and Prince William Sound; Chair’s Column, Comment by Yazuhiro Ozuro; Alaska Chapter Outings Program 2017 What a fabulous summer it was for hiking new trails!
Sierra Borealis: Alaska Report - June 2017
Alaska Chapter
Alaska House protects wolves via a Stampede Trail Buffer Zone; National Park Report on economic value of park visitation; Pebble Mine: Can a slain monster come back to life?; Alaska’s Arctic Seas: permanent drilling ban gone? Sierra Club sues administration;Arctic Refuge Coastal Plain; Can commuter rail reduce Alaska CO2 emissions?; Petition against Alaska’s HJR 5--misleading on Alaska’s fossil fuel dependence; Izembek bill would set harmful national precedent by a road through Wilderness
Sierra Borealis: Alaska Report - March 2017
Alaska Chapter
Introducing the 2017 Alaska Chapter Executive Committee; New Chapter leaders greet Sierra Club Alaska members;Recent and upcoming Chapter activities;U.S. Senate Resolution to eliminate safeguards for Alaska wildlife; New Chapter outreach project and two conservation issues;Art can do its part for public lands;Brown bears in jeopardy in two Alaska parks;Southeast Alaska’s Road to Nowhere goes nowhere;
Sierra Borealis: Alaska Report - December 2016
Alaska Chapter
The Next Four Years; 2017 Alaska Chapter ExCom Candidates & Ballot; Post Election Report; ANILCA & Wildlife Threatened; Chapter Staff Laura Comer Leaves.
Sierra Borealis: Alaska Report - September 2016
Alaska Chapter
Diverse Youth Group in AK for NPS Centennial; Chapter Election & Transition to New Leadership; Chapter Retreat; Sen. Murkowski's Assault on Public Lands; AK Congressional Delegation's Assault on Tongass; US FWS takes on State Over Sport Hunting & Predator Control on Wildlife Refuges; Usibelli Stops Coal Exports, Commuter Rail Progress.
Sierra Borealis: Alaska Report - June 2016
Alaska Chapter
Offshore Oil Drilling; Sierra Club President Aaron Mair to Visit Alaska; Southcentral Alaska Commuter Rail; Brown Bear Baiting in National Parks; Fairbanks Air Pollution; Sen. Murkowski's Bills Threaten Public Lands; Upcoming Hikes.
Sierra Borealis: Alaska Report - March 2016
Alaska Chapter
Chugach National Forest Plan - Town Hall meeting; Murkowski/Sullivan/Young - Environmental Voting Scores; Bears, Wolves, Coyotes in Alaska's Wildlife Refuges; National Park Service 100th Birthday; Brown Bear Baiting in Wrangell National Park?; Hovercraft Lawsuit in Yukon-Charley Nat. Preserve, Sterling Highway Reroute Threatens Resurrection Pass Trail; Chapter MLK Day of Service .
Sierra Borealis: Alaska Report - December 2015
Alaska Chapter
Offshore Oil Drilling Victories, Report from Shishmaref Student at Paris Climate Change Conference, National Preserves tighten Sport Hunting Regs, Sen. Murkowski's ANILCA hearing, Pebble Court Case, Denali Wolves, Arctic Refuge Wilderness Bill in Senate, Supreme Court ANILCA Case, Proposed Gas Pipeline, EPA's Clean Power Plan.
Sierra Borealis: Alaska Report - September 2015
Alaska Chapter
Chapter Outings, Chapter Elections, Denali Name Restored, Jerry Ganopole Memorial, Ninth Circuit on Tongass, Izembek Refuge, Obama in Alaska, Shell Gets Nod to Drill, Parks to Open to Gathering, SPROG - Alaska Youth Training.
Alaska Chapter
Chapter Outings, Chapter Elections, Denali Name Restored, Jerry Ganopole Memorial, Ninth Circuit on Tongass, Izembek Refuge, Obama in Alaska, Shell Gets Nod to Drill, Parks to Open to Gathering, SPROG - Alaska Youth Training.
Sierra Borealis: Alaska Report - June 2015
Alaska Chapter
Chugach Forest Plan, Shell Offshore Drilling, SPROG for Youth, Pebble Mine Court Rulings, Sen. Lisa Murkowski & Public Lands, Bering Sea Canyons, Seward's Resurrectin Bay Coal Pollution Court Ruling.
Sierra Borealis: Alaska Report - March 2015
Alaska Chapter
Ocean protection and drilling, Angoon Airport, Gates of the Arctic plan, NPR-A Development, Arctic Wilderness, New Alaska Staff, State Government, Murie Remembrance Poem
Sierra Borealis: Alaska Report - December 2014
Alaska Chapter
Chukchi Sea lease sale, Quakers take on Climate Change, Gov. Walker, Chapter Elections, Wilderness Act 50th Anniversary, John Muir Centennial, Congressional Outlook
Sierra Borealis: Alaska Report - September 2014
Alaska Chapter
Pebble EPA decision, Chapter election, Chuitna Day of Action, NPS to protect preserves, Big Thorne sale challenge, Congressional election, Tongass exemption rehearing, Glacier Bay egg collecting, Lindsey Hajduk farewell , Mike Miller recollections, Seward coal lawsuit victory, Wilderness 50th events
Sierra Borealis: Alaska Report - June 2014
Alaska Chapter
tongass alert; NPS: removal from parks; Wilderness 50 events; pebble update; NPS wildlife restrictions; noatak canoe trip; Wilderness publication
Sierra Borealis: Alaska Report - March 2014
Alaska Chapter
Shell Drilling, National Park Service, Chugach update, Pebble and EPA, Tongass plan news, Exxon Valdez 25th Anniversary, Wilderness Act 50th Anniversary events, book review
Sierra Borealis: Alaska Report - December 2013
Alaska Chapter
Monuments 35th, Chugach, Arctic, Wilderness 50th, Big Thorne, EPA hearing, Denali Wolves, Kayak Service Trip, Book reviews
Sierra Borealis: Alaska Report - September 2013
Alaska Chapter
Chugach plan, senate bills, Alaska Wild 50, Kayak outing, Gwich'in meeting, Greens Creek, Chapter Election
Sierra Borealis: Alaska Report - June 2013
Alaska Chapter
Sealaska Bill; Roadless Rule; Glacier Bay; Frankenfish; Clean Air Lobby; Pebble Mine; Wilderness 50; New Staff
Sierra Borealis: Alaska Report - March 2013
Alaska Chapter
National Petroleum Reserve - Alaska, Izembek Road, Wilderness Act 50th Anniversary, Shell Suspends Arctic Drilling, White Mountain, Sealaska Tongass Bill, Katmai National Park, Ginny Hill Wood Obituary, Chapter Election
Sierra Borealis: Alaska Report - December 2012
Alaska Chapter
Chapter election, Arctic recap, book review, Kayak trip, Big Thorne sale, Roads to Resources, Victory Corps, Thanks to Emily
Sierra Borealis: Alaska Report - September 2012
Alaska Chapter
NPRA Plan, Shell Drilling, Chapter Elections, Katmai Bridge, Brooks Range Trip, Tobacco and coal, Book Review, Coastal Program
Sierra Borealis: Alaska Report - June 2012
Alaska Chapter
EPA Bristol Bay Watershed Assessment, Pebble Mine, Shell Offshore Drilling, Goldman Prize Award, Wet Dog Race, Wild Rivers Attacked, Kids and Coal, Two Arctic Trips, Book Review
Sierra Borealis: Alaska Report - March 2012
Alaska Chapter
Arctic, Izembek EIS, Wilderness 50th Anniversary, Pebble Mine and EPA, Road to Umiat, Railroad Herbicides, Wildlife Management, Juneau Road, Superfund Site
Sierra Borealis: Alaska Report - December 2011
Alaska Chapter
OCS Comments, Sealaska Bill, Chapter Elections, State Lands, Wishbone Mine, Arctic CCP, Book Review, Murkowski and Coal, Pebble Surve
Sierra Borealis: Alaska Report - September 2011
Alaska Chapter
Arctic Wilderness, Denali Road, Chapter Elections, Midnight Wilderness, Obituaries, Seward and Coal, Admiralty Paddle, Logaugh Celebration, 350 in Cancun
Sierra Borealis: Alaska Report - June 2011
Alaska Chapter
Umiat road scoping, Sealaska bill, Glacier Bay bill, Mat-Su coal mine, Climate Corner, Juneau Road Victory, Road Kill
Sierra Borealis: Alaska Report - March 2011
Alaska Chapter
Arctic Offshore Drilling, Unimak wolves, Tongass National Forest, Roadless Rule, Chapter Election, Cliff Lobaugh, ANILCA, Coal Exports, NPS "Gathering" Plan, Refuge's Vision, Volunteer's Voice
Sierra Borealis: Alaska Report - December 2010
Alaska Chapter
Arctic Monument, Glacier Bay Integrity, Chapter Election, Climate News, Pebble Mine Update, Newcomer's View, Book Review, "Arctic Sanctuary: Images of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge", Chair's Column, Murkowski
Sierra Borealis: Alaska Report - September 2010
Alaska Chapter
National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska Scoping, Wrangell-St. Elias Off-Road Vehicles, Coal Ash, EPA public comment period, Commuter Rail, Chapter Elections, Newcomer's View, Energy Efficiency, Chair's Column
Sierra Borealis: Alaska Report - June 2010
Alaska Chapter
Arctic Refuge, Arctic CCP, Offshore Drilling, Dirty Coal Waste, UAF Beyond Coal, Glacier Bay Lies, Tongass Initiatives, Chair's Column
Children's Earth Care - April 2010
Earth Care Club
Apr 01, 2010
Medora Rorick is only 11years old and she has been doing some big things. Medora started a club in elementary school. Check out her latest edition of "Earth Care," covering issues she and her classmates care about.
Sierra Borealis: Alaska Report - March 2010
Alaska Chapter
Dr. Edgar Wayburn, Sealaska Bill, Beluga Whales, Seward Coal Dust, Coal Kills Snow, Pebble Mine, Dick Myren, Izembek Road, New Alaska Staff
Alaska Report - November 2009
Sierra Club National
Polar Bears, Arctic Fishing, Arctic Refuge Op-Ed, Katmai Park Plan, Wildlife & Warming, Chapter Election, Pebble Update
Alaska Report - August 2009
Sierra Club National
Offshore Drilling, Protect Clean Water, Coal Campaign, Pebble Permitting, River Trip, Glacier Bay, Yukon Flats
Alaska Report - May 2009
Sierra Club National
Offshore Drilling, Tongass Roadless Bill, Alaska's 50th, Izembek Road, Book Notes, Coal Campaign, Exxon-Valdez at 20
Alaska Report - February 2009
Sierra Club National
Arctic, Izembek Road, Election, Tongass, Denali, Energy
Alaska Report - September 2008
Sierra Club National
Pebble Mine, Tongass Management Plan, Exxon Valdez Case, Wolf Hunting, Arctic Refuge, Izembek Refuge, Yukon Flats, John F. Seiberling, Chapter and Group Elections.
Alaska Report - June 2008
Sierra Club National
Polar Bears, Shell Oil, Izembek and Yukon Flats Wildlife Refuges, Tongass Land Plan, Alaska's Coal Rush, Juneau Road
Alaska Report - March 2008
Sierra Club National
Polar Bears, Chukchi Oil, Another Bad Tongass Plan, Juneau Road Boondoggle, Yukon Flats Land Exchange, Commuter Rail.
Alaska Report - December 2007
Sierra Club National
Teshekpuk Lake Drilling, Wolf Massacre, Izembek Refuge Road, Togiak Refuge Plan, Tongass Land Grab, Coal Success, Arctic Wilderness Bill, Sierra Sportsmen.
Alaska Report - August 2007
Sierra Club National
Happy 100th - Chugach National Forest!, ORVs in Parks, Arctic Refuge Bird Year, Western Arctic, Tongass Subsidies, Kensington Mine.
Alaska Report - May 2007
Sierra Club National
Bristol Bay Refuge, Pebble Mine, Offshore Drilling, Tongass Sales Withdrawn, Kensington Success, Wilderness Week, Coal and Global Warming, New Staff.
Alaska Report - October 2006
Sierra Club National
Kensington Mine, Teshekpuk Lake, BP Shutdown, Ed Wayburn, Wild Salmon Week, Predator Control, Renewable Energy
Alaska Report - June 2006
Sierra Club National
Western Arctic, Teshekpuk Lake, Bear Baiting, Hold Exxon Accountable, Tongass Plan
Alaska Report - March 2006
Sierra Club National
Hold Exxon Accountable, Arctic Drilling, Denali National Park, Tongass Vision, Off-Shore Drilling, Predator Hunting.
Up Ship Creek Vol 6 Issue 1 - Winter 2006
Knik Group
January 2006
Fire Island Wind Power - Knik River Public Use Area - Hatcher Pass Pubic Use Area
Sierra Borealis - January 2006
Alaska Chapter
January 2006
Tongass Plan, Kensington Mine, Bridges to Nowhere.
Up Ship Creek November-December 2005
Knik Group
Cool Cities Campaign, Knik River Public Use Area, Kenai Winter Recreation
Alaska Report - November 2005
Sierra Club National
Arctic Refuge, Kensington Mine, Pebble Mine, Tongass Plan, Chugach National Forest
Up Ship Creek - September/October 2005
Knik Group
Exxpose Exxon, Outings, Permanent Fund, Kenai Recreation.
Up Ship Creek - July/August 2005
Knik Group
Knik Group update, events and outings calendar.
June 2005 Alaska Report
Sierra Club National
Arctic, Denali Plan, Katmai Bears and more. (Large File! 2.2 MB)
Summer 2004 Sierra Borealis
Alaska Chapter
Aug 15, 2004
Roadless Rule, Wilderness Week, Sierra Club and Politics