A Just Transition for Alaska
“Transition is inevitable, justice is not” - Quintin Sankofa
Motivation: Just Transition aims to transform the current extractive economy into a regenerative one that is built around equity. It aims to protect our planet, while...
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
The Arctic Refuge is one of the world’s last untouched wild places. Located in the northeast corner of Alaska, the Refuge is unique in many ways: it is the only refuge specifically designed for wilderness purposes, and at 19.6 million acres it is...
Bristol Bay & Pebble Mine
The Bristol Bay watershed in southwestern Alaska produces the largest sockeye salmon fishery in the world and is relied upon by more than 30 Alaska Native tribes. It is a huge job-creator and economy booster for Alaska and offers fishing experiences...
NPRA/ Western Arctic
The National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska (NPRA), or Western Arctic, is 22 million acres and the largest tract of undisturbed public land in the United States. These lands have been essential migratory birds, caribou, polar bears, walruses, belugas, and...
Tongass National Forest
Alaska's Tongass is America’s largest national forest and is referred to as the "crown jewel" of the National Forest System. Currently, large areas of the forest are protected by The Roadless Rule—The 2001 rule establishes prohibitions on road...
Izembek National Wildlife Refuge
The Izembek National Wildlife Refuge is Alaska’s smallest wildlife refuge at 310,000-acres, but it is one of the most ecologically unique. A majority of the refuge was designated as Wilderness in 1980 under the Alaska National Interest Lands...
Commuter Rail for Alaska
"An Idea Whose Time Has Come"
Rail is for the Environment
Railroads are an important part of addressing the climate emergency. The low friction of smooth steel wheels rolling on smooth steel rails allows rail transportation to emit only a...
Military Outdoors
In 2022 The Alaska Chapter had the opportunity to launch or Military Outdoors program. Being in a state with many military bases and veterans, we are grateful to have the support to offer outdoor recreation opportunities to these communities....