Take the Carnivore Protection Pledge


I pledge to be an advocate for carnivores because I believe they have the inherent right to exist in their native ecosystems. All carnivores - wolves, bears, foxes, mountain lions, coyotes, and black-footed ferrets, to name a few - are important to the landscapes they inhabit. Carnivores deserve to be valued and conserved. By signing this pledge, I will join the effort to achieve permanent, strong carnivore protections throughout Wyoming, Idaho, Montana and the Americas. 

Take the Carnivore Protection Pledge

 Photo by Franz Camerzind


Yes! Count me in! I want to:

  • Stay up-to-date about actions that you can take to protect carnivores
  • Debunk myths that are used to justify carnivore vilification 

  • Get people to understand that carnivores are an essential part of healthy ecosystems

  • Be an ally speaking out for wolves, grizzlies, mountain lions, foxes, and coyotes

  • Get other wildlife activists involved

  • Lessen people’s hostility toward carnivores in Wyoming and neighboring states

Take the Carnivore Protection Pledge today!