Sierra Club Applauds Climate Package

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 15, 2021

CONTACT: Elizabeth Ward, Chapter Director, Sierra Club Wisconsin,  

Sierra Club Applauds Climate Package

The “Forward on Climate” package is a welcome demonstration of leadership and climate action 

MADISON - Today, the Legislative Democrats introduced a “Forward on Climate” bill package that addresses a broad array of climate concerns, from transportation planning to energy efficiency to food waste.  The 20+ bills are primarily drawn from the Governor’s Climate Change Task Force recommendations, Governor Evers’ proposed 2021-23 Budget, and the 2019 Forward on Climate package.

In response, Wisconsin Sierra Club Chapter Director Elizabeth Ward issued the following statement:

“As the clock ticks on climate change, this package represents action we need to stop the worst impacts. The package represents action on the things Wisconsinites have been calling for in the past decade: a recognition that bold, ambitious action on climate is urgent and important, and a path that tackles climate change while equitably distributing the benefits of a transition from fossil fuels to clean energy. Pieces of this package, like setting a social cost of carbon, funding Focus on Energy, and providing energy efficiency and weatherization grants, are what climate action looks like on the ground.

There is still so much to do, and we will keep working to ensure we act with the boldness this moment warrants and call on the legislature to take up these bills right away.  We can’t afford to wait.”


Founded in 1892, the Sierra Club is America’s oldest, largest, and most influential grassroots environmental organization. The Sierra Club’s mission is to explore, enjoy, and protect the wild places of the earth. The Sierra Club – Wisconsin is made up of 18,000 members and supporters from throughout Wisconsin working to promote clean energy and protect land and water resources.