Inspiring Connections Outdoors strives to provide safe, fun and educational outings for all participants. All volunteers undergo a thorough screening, and all trip leaders are certified in American Red Cross CPR and first aid.
ICO furnishes much of the equipment needed to conduct safe wilderness experiences: tents, rainwear, cooking gear, water bottles and first aid kits. Depending on the trip, food and transportation may also be provided. For each outing, students will receive an itinerary and a list of items they should bring. Click here to view a sample itinerary (PDF )
All students must have a signed permission slip/liability waiver to participate in outings. Waivers will be given to students to take home approximately two weeks before each outing, and will be collected at a pre-trip meeting one to two days before the outing begins. Students without a signed and completed waiver form will not be allowed to participate in the outing.
Our Mission
Sierra Club Inspiring Connections Outdoors is a community outreach program that provides opportunities for urban youth and adults to explore, enjoy and protect the natural world.
Children who run, swim, climb and paddle are not only more fit physically, but are more likely to grow into adults who are respectful stewards of nature.
Fostering teamwork and cooperation are major aspects of the Inspiring Connections Outdoors experience. Participants naturally develop interpersonal skills and self esteem through their outdoor experiences with positive adult role models.
Rules and Guidelines for ICO Trips
Always wear your seat belt while riding in the car or van.
Always stay with the group and listen to the instructions of the leaders and volunteers.
Always leave places cleaner than they were found.
Respect others' rights and others' property.
There will be a whistle in the first aid kit. When it is blown, there is an important reason for the group to come together immediately.
All of our garbage will be placed in trash bins or packed out of the area in garbage bags that the leader will provide. Please do not litter.
Keep the noise level down -- people go to the wilderness for peace and quiet. We will respect this.
Please do not take anything (plants, fossils, etc) from the visited area. Let others enjoy them in their natural surroundings.