Welcome to ICO! We hope you enjoy your experiences with us. This page should answer some of the questions you might have regarding ICO and our outings.
Thanks for joining us!
Why go on an outing with ICO?
You will learn how to do cool things outdoors and have a really good time!
What kinds of outings are there?
We go canoeing, hiking, camping, fishing, snowshoeing, and do many other types of activities. Sometimes we do service outings, like volunteering to help clean up a park. Lengths of outings can range from a few hours to a few days.
Where do we go on outings?
We visit many local natural areas and parks, such as Lake Wingra, Cherokee Marsh, Lake Farm Park, the UW Arboretum, and Picnic Point, as well as many state parks around Madison.
I've never camped or canoed before. Can I still go on an outing?
That's why we are here! Many students on ICO outings have limited experience in the outdoors. We'll teach you the basic skills you'll need to be safe and have fun.
What do I need to bring?
You need to bring a waiver/permission slip signed by a parent or guardian. Without this form, you will not be able to participate in the outing. Your coordinator or group leader will give this to you, along with information about the trip, about two weeks before the trip begins. Please remember to bring any needed medications, including inhalers and Epi-pens.
Other items you need to bring will depend on the trip. ICO provides some basic equipment such as tents, extra water bottles, etc, but you may need to bring some personal items such as good walking shoes, a rain coat, or a small backpack. You will be given a list of items necessary for each outing. If you don't have some of the items, they will be provided for you if possible.
Don't see the answer to your question here? Feel free to send us a note on our Contact ICO page. Thank you!
Rules and Guidelines for ICO Trips
- Always wear your seat belt while riding in the car or van.
- Always stay with the group and listen to the instructions of the leaders and volunteers.
- Always leave places cleaner than they were found.
- Respect others' rights and others' property.
- There will be a whistle in the first aid kit. When it is blown, there is an important reason for the group to come together immediately.
- All of our garbage will be placed in trash bins or packed out of the area in garbage bags that the leader will provide. Please do not litter.
- Keep the noise level down - people go to the wilderness for peace and quiet. We will respect this.
- Please do not take anything (plants, fossils, etc) from the visited area. Let others enjoy them in their natural surroundings.