2022 Chapter Awards Winners

Each year Sierra Club Wisconsin recognizes outstanding volunteers and community leaders for their work on behalf of the environment. From new activists to lifetime achievements, we want to acknowledge their amazing efforts and accomplishments. Please join us on Thursday, December 1st, as we come together online from all corners of the state to present the chapter awards, celebrate our winners, and hear the inspiring work they do.

This year's award winners are:
Amy Mueller will receive the New Activist Award. A member of the Wildlife team and the Equity team, Amy is an outstanding environmental advocate—she cares deeply about our nation’s wildlife and natural places and works tirelessly to protect them through institutional change, public education, and coordination with state and national partners. Her engaging enthusiasm, together with her keen intelligence and unstoppable work ethic, make her a force to be reckoned with and a joy for team members to work with. Amy has led efforts around the Wisconsin Conservation Congress and Wolf Awareness Week, and has inspired many others to join her.

Diane Cain will receive the Wildflower Award. The Wildflower is given to leaders within the chapter who exemplify all that is wonderful in the environment and the club. As a member of the Wildlife team, Diane has been a long-standing commitment to advocacy for responsible and ethical wildlife practices in the state. She shares a great wealth of information, is connected to other community groups, and made a big impact last year when she sat on the Department of Natural Resources’ Wolf Management Committee. Diane’s family orchard was featured in this year’s Locally Grown, Nationally Known Sierra Club fundraiser, and she practices non-lethal alternatives for farmers and has shared her experience with wildlife coexistence as a grower. In all parts of her work, she is an inspiration!

Kathy Allen will receive the Merit Award for her dedication to protecting the environment, combating climate change, and promoting clean energy. Kathy has been president of the Coulee Region Group of Sierra Club for several years, and has done an enormous amount of work in the region. She helped found the annual Climate Action Festival in La Crosse, was instrumental in pushing both the City and County of La Crosse to pass Ready for 100 resolutions, and is always looking for ways to partner with other groups. Kathy helps lead efforts to promote biking and hiking and is an incredible leader across the board. 

Rich Wentzel will receive the LD Rockwell Award for his contributions to the Political Committee over the years. His longevity with the Committee, care and expertise as he helps the Chapter read through hundreds of endorsement applications and make difficult decisions about who to endorse in each election has made a huge impact.  In addition to his political work, as a leader in the Wausau area, an area without a Sierra Club Group, Rich has been a valuable member offering feedback and insights on local issues. 

Wisconsin Health Professionals for Climate Action will be recognized with the Good Citizen Award for their work centering the health impacts of climate change for years. The organization researches, connects and educates people about how climate change is impacting our health and health care systems, what we can do about it, and how best to respond. WHCPA has been an incredible partner in so many categories of work, from shutting down coal plants to advocating for fair energy rates, and through it all they uplift health impact disparities in marginalized communities and advocate for equitable solutions. Their work and efforts have helped empower people to understand and speak up in their communities on climate and health and work to create a safer and more just future.

The Torchbearer Award will be presented to Marcy West. As a member of the Natural Resources Board of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Marcy continually stands up for science and truly listens to Wisconsin residents on crucial issues, most notably, PFAS standards and wolf management. It is crucial for strong environmental work to be happening at all levels, and we are so thankful for Marcy’s work to push forward efforts that protect lands, water and wildlife in an increasingly difficult environment.

The chapter’s highest award, the JJ & Pat Werner Award will be presented to Pat Wilson. Pat has been a longtime Sierra Club leader in the chapter, in outings programs, in the Coulee Region Group, and on the Water Team. Throughout his decades of dedication, Pat has served as Coulee Region Group president three separate times, for a total of ten years, and is currently the group’s representative on the Chapter Executive Committee. Pat has been a leader in the River Touring Section’s Black River family paddling and camping trip for years, and also coordinates group clean ups of local roads. In addition to leading these outings, he supports the Coulee Region Group behind the scenes with technology, website updates, and emails. 

In La Crosse, Pat recently worked with the County Board to introduce a resolution to have a referendum on the spring ballot encouraging the state to establish a right to clean water. The resolution was approved and the referendum passed in April with 86% support. Following that success, Pat has also connected with other Sierra Club Water Team members to introduce resolutions in their counties. With the water team, he has helped build education and connections across the state to address nitrate and PFAS contamination in water, oppose Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations, and promote sustainable farming practices. Across the many parts of Sierra Club Pat has been a part of for years, he brings his expertise, new ideas, connections, and humor, and has been a wonderful leader in advocating for environmental protections. 

Please join us to congratulate and thank the winners, during our virtual awards celebration on Thursday, December 1st at 6:30p.m. Pre-registration required via this link.

Graphic shows the text "Chapter Awards Celebration" in gold script over a deep blue background with gold stars in the background. White text below reads "December 1st, 6:30pm. Save the date & join us as we honor our environmental champions!" The Sierra Club Wisconsin logo in white is centered below the text.

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