Together, we make the difference

Advocating together not only brings us together, but it is how we win. We've demonstrated it this month and are asking you to support the teams making this happen. 

In the past few weeks, we've seen our Team's efforts turn into victories:

  • WEC energy group announced its plans to go coal-free by 2035. WEC utilities own two of the four coal plants in Wisconsin that had not been slated for retirement, so this is a huge victory in transitioning off of coal! We will continue to push for clean energy to replace these fossil fuels. 
  • And recently a judge issued an injunction on the wolf hunt- preventing the start of this unjust hunt of this culturally significant keystone species. 

What you don't see with these announcements are the people who work so hard every day to make them possible.  And now you have a chance to support them.  Will you give $5, $10, or $25 to support the work of our volunteer teams? Each team is fundraising toward a collective goal of $2,500. Your gift can help us reach that goal and lead to more victories!  

You can learn more and donate to the teams by clicking on the image below:

 Support the Transportation TeamSupport the Tar Sands TeamSupport the Water Team


Support the Wildlife TeamSupport the Coal to Clean Energy TeamSupport the Lands Team


Transportation Team | Tar Sands Team | Water Team | Wildlife Team | Coal to Clean Energy Team | Lands Team



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