Resolve to Get Involved in 2021!

Did you make a resolution to protect the environment in 2021? To make friends and connections around a cause you care about? To become more involved in your community and spend time volunteering? To learn new skills? Or did you not make a resolution (like me!), and just want to start the new year off on the right foot?

Join us in resolving to get involved in 2021! The new year brings new opportunities within our work, our state, and the nation. We are always recruiting new volunteers, and we want to help YOU find the perfect volunteer fit to make a difference in 2021.

Ready to get to work? RSVP for our very first ~virtual~ volunteer night of the year! On Wednesday, January 13th from 6:30 - 8:00, volunteers from around the state will come together on zoom to learn new skills and take action on the issues they care about. No prior experience is required, come join us!

Want to learn more about all of our opportunities and find the perfect volunteering fit? Come to our Virtual Volunteer Fair on February 2nd! We’ll cover all of our current volunteer opportunities, give everyone the chance to ask questions and explore the areas that interest you most. From our issue teams to local groups, support teams to volunteer nights, we have a dynamic volunteer program and are excited to find you the perfect fit with your schedule, interests and skills! No prior experience is required for any of our positions, and we’re here to teach you any skills you are interested in learning!

Can’t make it to the Volunteer Fair, but wish you could attend? You can always fill out our volunteer interest form, and our volunteer coordinator will connect with you one-on-one.

We can’t wait to work with you this year!