Statement on Enbridge Energy’s Withdrawal of Eminent Domain Application


Statement on Enbridge Energy’s Withdrawal of Eminent Domain Application 


Madison, WI— Amid growing opposition, Enbridge Energy recently decided not to seek the power to condemn private property rights along a proposed route for a new segment of Line 5. All indications are that the multi- national energy company intends to pursue the project, which means that the Bad River Watershed, Lake Superior, and communities across northern Wisconsin remain vulnerable to the harms caused by the construction and continued operation of Line 5. 

Regulatory authority over the new segment of Line 5 now lies largely with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, which is currently analyzing the environmental impacts of the proposed project and processing Enbridge’s application for permits to cross waterways and disturb wetlands along the route. As DNR makes additional opportunities for public input available, it is more important than ever that members of the public continue to exercise their right to participate in the review process by voicing their concerns. The risks to public health, the environment, and the economy are simply too great to allow this new pipeline to be built. 


Midwest Environmental Advocates (MEA) is a public interest law center that works for healthy water, air, land and government for this generation and the next. Prior to Enbridge Energy’s withdrawal of its application for eminent domain authority, MEA filed a request to intervene on behalf of Sierra Club - John Muir Chapter, Honor the Earth, League of Women Voters of Wisconsin, Superior Rivers Watershed Association, and 350 Madison