Celebrate Earth Day with Team Sierra

On April 22, we will celebrate Earth Day’s 50th anniversary. And what better way to do so than by giving back to nature through Team Sierra? With Team Sierra, you can do what you love, celebrate Earth Day and raise funds for climate action and conservation -- and 100% of the funds that you raise through Wisconsin's Team Sierra stays in Wisconsin.

Check out some of the people fundraising for their Teams:

Liz Wessel at Gov. Dodge Liz Wessel, Transportation Team
"When so many of the other avenues for participation have been shut down, Team Sierra provides a fun and easy way to participate and contribute to the John Muir Chapter. You can support the work that continues even with the limitations on in-person gatherings like our recent Get on Board day (4/16) event thanking transit workers. So get on board and visit my Team Sierra web page"

Laura Lane, Clean Energy Team

Laura Lane, Clean Energy Team
"I support and volunteer for the Sierra Club’s Clean Energy team because our work makes a big difference in the fight against climate change! In a nutshell, we work to shut down dirty coal plants in Wisconsin and move utilities toward using renewable, clean energies instead. It’s a trifecta: renewable energy is better for our pocketbooks, our health, and our planet. Please support our work!"

Kathy Allen, Coulee Region Group
"My lifetime of experiences with nature have made me who I am today. I want young people, now and in the future, to have the same opportunities I've had. Each year, our Coulee Region Group gives environmental education grants to local projects at the elementary and middle school level, to involve the next generation in making their world a better place in some small way. In honor of the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, I'm helping our local group raise money to support these grants AND the valuable work of the John Muir Chapter in our state."

Masaru Oka, Transportation TeamMasaru Oka, Transportation Team 
"I'm participating because... I'm lucky that I can choose to take the bus. For many others, it's all they can afford, but really it costs them much more. Team Sierra helps the transportation team advocate for policies and decisions that strengthen our public transit systems and other methods of transportation like walking and biking. Owning a car should be a choice, not a requirement."

Ronda Conner, Clean Energy TeamRonda Conner, Clean Energy Team
"I am supporting the Clean Energy team because I am concerned about climate change.   I am so grateful to be part of a group that makes a tangible difference in moving our energy sources away from dirty coal and towards clean energy.   This is a critical step towards reducing pollution and thereby reducing climate change."



Pat Wilson, Coulee Region GroupPat Wilson, Coulee Region Group
"I hope you’re healthy and practicing social distancing to stay safe during this COVID-19 pandemic. I’m staying home for the most part, but getting out when I can to enjoy some of the less visited nearby natural areas.  I learned about these natural areas through the Sierra Club’s local Coulee Region Group. Besides instilling an appreciation of nature, the Coulee Group enabled me to help protect the area’s land, water, air, and biological diversity."

Julie Lyne, Clean Energy TeamJulie Lyne, Clean Energy Team
"Earth Day is turning 50 and so am I! This year I'm dedicating my birthday funds to the Sierra Club and hope you will join me! The Sierra Club has my love and trust in green stewardship. Now, more than ever, it is a time to promote healing on this earth. Peace, Julie" 




Want to join them?

It’s easy. Plan an activity you love to do - biking, hiking, or even use an upcoming celebration like your birthday or Earth Day - and start a Team Sierra fundraiser. The donations you raise will benefit the Sierra Club-John Muir Chapter and will be used right here in Wisconsin to protect our land, water and wildlife. Prizes will be awarded to fundraisers who raise at the $50, $100, $500 and $750 levels!

For Earth Day, we are recruiting a large team of people to fundraise together so we can amplify our impact!

To get started, simply go to teamsierra.org/wisconsin and create your account. From there, follow the prompts to personalize your fundraising page. If you have any questions or are interested but want to learn more first, you can contact Cassie at cassandra.steiner@sierraclub.org.


Don't want to fundraise, but want to give? Support one of our Team Sierra fundraising teams!

Clean Energy Team

Coulee Region Group

Transportation Team

Wisconsin Lands Team


Thank you for supporting the Sierra Club and for celebrating Earth Day with us!