Oppose the Back 40 Proposed Metallic Sulfide Mine

Google Earth visualization showing Back 40 Open Pit Sulfide Mine located 150 feet from Menominee River

On September 21st 2019, the Environmental Advisory Committee of the Wisconsin Conservation Congress unanimously passed the resolution to Oppose the Back Forty Proposed Metallic Sulfide Mine. 

This comes after a four years of advocacy against the proposed open pit mine. Aquila Resources, a Canadian exploration company, has already acquired several of the necessary permits from Michigan to begin their project, which would be located 150 feet from the banks of the Menominee River. The Menominee empties into Lake Michigan and forms the border between Michigan and Wisconsin. The damage to the lake and other surrounding waterways would be irreparable, as contamination from the mine would threaten the health of the wildlife population, particularly populations of lake sturgeon and smallmouth bass. Aquila Resources’ methods include crushing and refining minerals through the use of cyanide. Eric Chatterson, a geology specialist, noted that there was a “high likelihood” that these crushed minerals and ores from the mine “will be observed in the groundwater that discharges to the Menominee River and Shakey River.” 

The Menominee River is also culturally significant to the Menominee tribe and is the source of Creation of the Menominee Tribe. The region is home to Menominee Tribe burial grounds, historical agricultural sites, and other ceremonial sites. The Tribe and other local communities have shown strong disapproval of the proposed mine.

This opposition by the Environmental Advisory Committee is a necessary first step in preventing the project from going through. The opposition brought together the Menominee Tribe with surrounding communities as well as people in the Front 40 environmental group in Michigan and also other natives tribes and environmental organizations in Michigan and Wisconsin. Thousands of citizens wrote to the Department of Environmental Quality to express their concerns. This unanimous vote proves that their actions have been effective. The resolution now goes before the executive committee of the congress for a further vote. What do we do in the meantime? Continue to oppose it! The Menominee River was named as one of the most endangered rivers in the nation by American Rivers so the prevention of this project is extremely important to the region.

What you can do: continue to oppose the Back Forty Mine! 

Get involved with a local group opposing the Back Forty Mine: Learn more about how you can support efforts to oppose the Back Forty proposed mine by contacting:

The opposition by the EAC was a necessary step but more action is still needed. Be sure to stay updated on this issue and do everything necessary to continue to oppose this project.

Written by Safa Saeed, an Organizing Project Aide for the Sierra Club Wisconsin Chapter.