Local Governments are Leading the Way!

Written by Benjamin Luginbill, Project Aid with Sierra Club Wisconsin

Press Conference with La Crosse Mayor Kabat

Local governments make a difference and are demonstrating strong leadership here in Wisconsin. Across Wisconsin, communities are taking the lead in the transition to clean energy, in safeguarding us from factory farms and other threats, and more.  In the past two weeks alone, Milwaukee, Racine, and La Crosse took action for a more sustainable future. 

First, last Tuesday, the Milwaukee Common Council unanimously passed a resolution that aims to reduce their net greenhouse gas emissions by 45% in 2030. They aren’t stopping there, they are also committing to zero net greenhouse gas emissions in 2050. These committee members are recognizing the threat climate change poses to all of their communities and is choosing to address it before it gets worse. Not only that but they are choosing to be leaders and champions of positive initiatives like the Green New Deal and the growing green economy. Through the process of these resolutions, they want to also address the racial and economic inequality in the city through programs that will not only ensure better infrastructure but reliable jobs to historically marginalized communities. This isn’t just a win for residents of Milwaukee or Wisconsin as a whole, but it is a sign for a brighter future for all.  Yesterday, he Milwaukee County Parks, Energy & Environment Committee unanimously supported this resolution.  The Full County Board will on July 25 to adopt the resolution. (If you’re in Milwaukee County, contact your Supervisor here!)

Milwaukee isn’t the only city in southeastern Wisconsin taking calling for more sustainable practices. On Tuesday, Racine voted on a resolution that made them one of the first cities in the US to propose to a zero-waste resolution. With the impending fill date of the Kestrel Hawk Landfill looming, this initiative not only makes sense with the county's situation but also will help residents live more sustainable and efficient lives. Greening Greater Racine provides an in-depth explanation of the various programs that help the Racine community be good stewards of the nature around them. Racine will serve as a model of how large communities can live in accordance with environmentally-friendly practices and demonstrate benefits to the whole community. 

This groundbreaking work is occurring across the state! On July 11th, the City of La Crosse committed to 100% clean energy by 2050 with the help of several environmental organizations, including our very own Sierra Club-Coulee Region Group! Mayor Tim Kabat recognizes the urgency of climate change and chose to act. They also know that this change won’t occur overnight so that’s why they instituted a gradual implementation plan of targets of going down by 5% in 2020, 20% in 2025, 30% in 2030, 45% in 2035, 60% in 2040, 80% in 2045 and 100% in 2050. La Crosse is the fifth city in Wisconsin to commit to 100% clean energy and our efforts don’t plan on stopping there. 

The effects of climate change are only going to get worse with time if we continue these patterns so let’s stop them dead in their tracks now. Eco-friendly practices are not only good for the planet but also for you because the improved natural surroundings will reap the rewards of clean air, water, and food. Call your local community and municipality leaders to ensure that your communities are agreeing to resolutions like the ones above or contact us if you’re interested in learning about what’s being done in or near your community.  There are a lot of amazing things happening across Wisconsin. Together, we are going towards a more sustainable, equitable, and brighter future for all Wisconsinites across this great state.