Help Stop the spread of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD)

Despite the widespread, serious effects of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD), a backward proposal to eliminate a new rule to limit CWD is moving forward. The rule is supposed to take event on October 1 and creates some safeguards to try to limit the reach of chronic-wasting-disease.  This commonsense provision limits things like increasing fencing rules to limit contact between wild and captive deer and not to move a deer out of an infected county. This rule was unanimously approved by the Natural Resources Board in August.  You can learn more about the rule and possible impacts here.  The rule has been supported by conservation groups, hunting groups, and more.  The Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission also sent a letter of support for the rule on behalf of the 11 tribes it represents.  There are currently 55 counties impacted by CWD and all of Wisconsin is at risk.  You can learn more about or read the rule here.

Now, the Joint Committee for Review of Administrative Rules is holding a hearing to consider stopping this rule from taking effect.  Your voice matters.  Please weigh in on this important issue.


What: Hearing before the Joint Committee for Review of Administrative Rules on the WI DNR emergency rule regarding transport of deer carcasses to limit the spread of Chronic Wasting Disease

When: 10:00 am Monday, October 1, 2018

Where: Room 412 East of the Wisconsin State Capitol Room (2 E Main Street, Madison, WI)


If you can, please come and register or testify in favor of this rule.  If you cannot make it in person please send you comments in support of this rule to the Co-Chairs of the Committee:

Senate Nass

Rep. Ballweg