2018 Paddling Adventures in Quetico and Wisconsin

Don’t miss the opportunity to enjoy the wild Northwoods on canoe outings offered by John Muir Chapter. In addition to outings to Quetico Provincial Park, an annual offering since 2004, we have other offerings in Wisconsin.

Our outings leaders are experienced wilderness veterans with Wilderness First Aid training and Sierra Club’s Outings Leadership Training approvals in addition to their own personal outings, life and leadership experiences. For candidate participants, no experience is required, but a friendly personality, positive attitude and good physical fitness are invaluable assets. 

Outings fees include all group supplies, equipment, food and lodging - including park permits and taxes.  Not included are personal pre/post outings travel costs, passports, permits and fishing licenses.  You supply your personal camping gear and clothing.  Contact outings leaders for additional information about registration – including where to send your deposit to reserve your spot.

All outing fees allow participants to offer support for the John Muir Chapter Outings Program and its ability to continue offering these outings annually. Additional contributions to this fund are always welcome. 


**Trips currently have a wait list. 


Boundary Waters Wilderness/Quetico Provincial Park Canoe Trips
Spanning the international border between NE Minnesota and SW Ontario, this gem in the heart of North America, Quetico Provincial Park offers the largest expanse of wild, public access lands in the region. With over 2,000 lakes and almost 1.2 million acres of remote wilderness, Quetico offers travelers on its picturesque rivers and lakes a visual and personal encounter, all while navigating the rugged beauty of its towering rock cliffs, majestic waterfalls, and virgin pine and spruce forests.

PaddlersWomen’s Quetico Outing 1 – Clear**
August 10 - 19 (8 days, 7 nights; paddle/portage/camp)

  • Leader:  Janet Clear - 608-833-1339, janetclear@gmail.com
  • Outing Departure Point: Moose Lake - Ely, MN area.
  • Outing Cost: $700 including $300 deposit

Women-only trip.  Experience the fun and adventure of Quetico.  You will paddle and portage lakes and streams while enjoying the beauty of this vast wilderness.  Two layover days are planned, so while you will be challenged, there will be time to relax.  Limited to nine participants.

Angler’s Quetico Outing 2 – McDermott and Stahl**
August 3-12, 2018 (8 days, 7 nights; paddle/portage/camp)

  • Co-Leaders:  Nancy McDermott 608-238-1421 njmcderm@gmail.com and Will Stahl 920-725-9185  wrsy55@sbcglobal.net
  • Outing Departure Point: Either Moose Lake - Ely, MN area or Gunflint Trail, MN
  • Outing Cost: $700 including $300 deposit

Fishing enthusiasts will enjoy one or two base camps sandwiched between canoe travel days in and out of the park to maximize fishing and cooking delicious fresh fish meals. Limited to nine participants.


Other Wisconsin Outings

Women's Namegagon River Trip**
July 12-15, 2018 (4 days, 3 nights; paddle/camp)

Enjoy warm summer days on a women-only leisurely paddle covering 35 miles on the Namekagon and St. Croix Rivers (from County K Landing to Riverside Landing on the St. Croix) which is part of the Saint Croix National Scenic Riverway in Northern WI. This section of the river offers a combination of gentle rapids and smooth flowing current on the Namekagon, followed on the last day with several small rapids near the confluence of the St. Croix. Some paddling experience recommended. Limited to eight participants.



 Liability Waiver & Carpooling

While no experience is required, all participants must complete a medical history and canoe experience form, and then be approved by their outing leader before participating on any outing. Liability insurance coverage provided by Sierra Club for all participants. All forms are available for viewing by any prospective participant upon request.

In the interests of facilitating logistics for some outings, it is customary that participants make carpooling arrangements to the outing's starting point. Sierra Club outings insurance does not cover the time prior to, or following, the outing when crew may still travel together. Therefore, carpooling, ride sharing or similar activities are a private arrangement made among participants and not part of the offering.

CST 2087766-40. Registration as a seller of travel does not constitute approval by the State of California.