FoxConn Must Follow the Rules

Our area has water.  In fact, water is touted as our greatest asset.  FoxConn came here because of the abundant water.  It's not a surprise that they are asking for it.   Sierra Club is not opposed to the FoxConn project per se; we recognize that it has the potential to bring economic benefits to the region.  However, it must follow the rules.  FoxConn has already been granted waivers and exceptions on many of the rules that other companies are required to follow.  Based on our understanding of state law we do not believe this diversion  is – "following the rules".   In particular, it does not appear to comply with the Wisconsin statutes that require the diversion to be”used soley for public water supply purposes.” Wis. Stats. 281.343(4n) Public water supply purposes are defined as “serving a group of largely residential customers” (wis. Stats 281.343(1e)(pm), the proposed diversion does not meet this test.


We would not be here if FoxConn had decided on a site just a little farther east because they would have been entirely within the Great Lakes Watershed.   SO...I suspect that someone wasn't paying attention to the Basin boundaries, or was so certain that an exception would be granted that they did not read all of the provisions carefully.


This decision affects all ten Great Lake states and provinces; if we make an wiggly exception here, then every other straddling community all around the lakes, can do the same.  We are concerned about how this affects the authority, stability and enforceability of the Compact.


And there are many other significant questions that must be answered before this considered.  For example, how was the 7 million gallons a day number reached?  Is this just an initial request?  Will they be coming back later with additional requests?  What chemicals will be in the wastewater that they discharge?  Can Racine’s treatment plant effectively remove those contaminates with its current technology?  And on, and on.


As currently put forward this proposal does not deserve to be granted.


By Melissa Warner, Sierra Club Water Team Member




The next opportunity for public input in the FoxConn process is on Thursday. This public involvement meeting is regarding the road development in the region. If you attend, we encourage you to express support for public transit to and from the plant.


Date: Thursday, March 15, 2018

Time: 4:00 to 6:00 p.m.

Place: Village of Mount Pleasant, Village Hall

8811 Campus Drive

Mount Pleasant, WI 53406