This party is for you

Let’s come together and celebrate one another. Together we are making a difference for our land, air and water. So join us on October 7th  as we come together to celebrate one another’s amazing efforts and accomplishments in 2017 and inspire one another to move forward in 2018. All who care about the environment are welcome!

We will also be honoring a handful of individuals for their outstanding efforts on behalf of Wisconsin’s environment.

Recipients are (click here to learn about the awards):

James Kerler is the recipient of the JJ & Pat Werner award given to Sierra Club leaders in the John Muir Chapter who show an undying commitment to the goals and missions of the chapter.

Kendl Kobbervig will be awarded the 2017 Merit Award for her passionate and innovative leadership within the organization. Kendl, Avery, and Lee

Carol “Lee” Balek, Heather Wittrock & Laura Donovan will each receive a Wildflower Award given to leaders whom exemplify all that is wonderful in the environment and the club.

Jason Wilke will be awarded a Torchbearer Award for lending his time, talent and leadership to several important environmental projects in Wauwatosa and Milwaukee.

Dave Blouin, long time Sierra Club leader and political chair will be the recipient of the LD Rockwell award for his years of exceptional leadership on the chapter’s political committee.

Tonya Petrick has been awarded the New Activist award for her outstanding work on the John Muir Chapter Water Team.

Members of the group 80 Feet is Enough! have been awarded the Good Citizen award for their advocacy on behalf of landowners who would be negatively impacted by tar sands pipelines.


Please join us as we honor these individuals and celebrate ALL who care for our environment.

What: Sierra Club-John Muir Chapter Volunteer Appreciation & Awards party

When: Saturday, October 7

Time: 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Where: Threshold, 2717 Atwood Ave., Madison, WI

Light appetizers & refreshments

RSVP here