All Hands on Deck to Protect our Great Lakes

On July 3rd, Wisconsinites in Sheboygan, Milwaukee, Racine and 60+ other locations around the Great Lakes gathered to raise awareness for adequate protection of our some of our nation’s most important resources.  They supported a larger All Hands on Deck movement, with thousands of citizens in several states and countries around the Great Lakes turning out to highlight the importance of these lakes to not only the Midwest, but the entire country and to protest the cuts in the President’s proposed budget that would endanger the Great Lakes by, among other things, completely eliminating funding for the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI).  The GLRI has funded dozens of projects here in Wisconsin and around the Great Lakes to restore habitat, clean up pollution, improve access and many more.  The GLRI has strong bi-partisan support and should be continued.

"Lake Michigan is the World's resource.  It doesn't really belong to any of us,” said one Sheboygan resident.   The best we can do is to be good stewards for it.  To take care of it."

 Gathered on the shore of Lake Michigan in Sheboygan, Wisconsin

While citizens across the nation have reason to worry about our natural resources, Wisconsinites have seen additional failures by the state to adequately protect our aquatic resources in the name of commerce.  The All Hands on Deck event brought solidarity to concerned residents surrounding the Great Lakes who are fighting for proper funding and management for our precious waters.

A concerted and committed effort will be necessary to reach that goal, but many people have shown that the larger community does in fact want our lakes and rivers protected for future generations to enjoy.







By Marty Dillenburg, Chapter Water Intern