Stand with Wisconsin Landowners!

Enbridge and its other partners at Energy Transfer Partners were well on their way to the Dakota Access pipeline.  They were in construction and anticipated finishing the pipeline and pumping oil right away.  They were stopped in their tracks as the Army Corps of Engineers rejected the easement and committed to do a full Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). 

This would not have happened without the thousands of people that went and stood with the tribe, the tens-of-thousands that donated money, food, or other supplies, or the hundreds-of-thousands that signed petitions, contacted the Obama Administration or their elected official, or spoke out.  Similarly, the Keystone pipeline rejection was that same way - environmentalists, landowners, and tribes speaking out together.  We win when we stand together.

Now is the time to stand with landowners in Wisconsin. Enbridge has stated their plans to build another tar sands pipeline through the heart of Wisconsin.The new 'Line 61-twin', could mean that Wisconsin could have the two largest tar sands pipelines outside of Russia, running under the St. Croix and Namekagon Rivers, the Wisconsin River, and the Rock River.  And, landowners across Wisconsin may be forced to allow these pipelines on their land, near their homes, and some may even be forced to move.

The billboard campaign launched by the landowner group, 80 Feet is Enough! (referring to the existing 80 foot easement) has made an exciting announcement.  Thanks to everyone who has donated, there is now enough funding to get two billboards up that will let thousands know about the ability for a foreign pipeline company to take our land for their private gain.  

In order to help get to 3 billboards, a handful of generous donors have put in money to match up to $4,000!  But, it only lasts for 1 week. This means that for one week only, when you give $20, $40 will be donated.  When you give $100, $200 will go to the campaign standing up against Enbridge.  

Click here to stand with landowners and donate to their campaign. $4, $40, or $400. Any donation shows landowners that you will fight with them.

This isn’t about whether or not you are excited about the specific campaign or billboards or eminent domain or property rights.  This is about showing landowners that you stand with them and Enbridge that you won’t stand for another tar sands pipeline running through Wisconsin. 

Stand with Wisconsin landowners.