Arrive Together Transportation Summit

Wisconsin needs to get its priorities straight

On December 3, 2016 three hundred Wisconsinites from all over the state gathered in Milwaukee to discuss the state’s transportation priorities at Arrive Together, a summit about transportation equity and Wisconsin’s priorities. Among the attendees were people from urban and rural areas; people with disabilities and those who are able bodied; and cyclists, transit riders and drivers. Throughout the day, the message from these various Wisconsinites was clear: our transportation system is failing us, it’s priorities don’t match those of our citizens, and we need to seriously change something.


The packed agenda started with a listening session, attended by the US Department of Transportation’s Leslie Proll and Sharice Davids. During this, many people throughout the state explained their day-to-day challenges, especially with Wisconsin’s underfunded local transit systems. 

 Arrive Together SummitThe plenary session featured Sierra Club President Aaron Mair and US Department of Transportation Director of the Office of Civil Rights Leslie Proll, who both talked about the importance that transportation – especially transit access – has played in the fight for racial justice. Proll also discussed the damaging impact that highways can have on communities.


Throughout the day, the impact that transportation systems have on equity were further addressed. Breakout sessions discussed connecting Wisconsin’s workforce to businesses, transportation as a civil right, Wisconsin’s aging population and the need for greater mobility for all, and equitable access to bike and pedestrian infrastructure. Other breakout sessions discussed effective organizing tactics and ways to engage state leaders in these vital conversations. It is clear that transportation vastly impacts all across the state in very direct ways.


In the plenary session, WISPIRG’s Peter Skopec connected all of the state’s transportation challenges in an easy-to-understand way:  Wisconsin is spending billions of dollars on mega-highway projects, leaving our local priorities unmet; local roads and bridges are in poor repair and transit systems are unable to meet the needs of Wisconsin’s population that is aging, has a disability or cannot afford a car. During this state budget process, we have a huge opportunity to reassess our transportation priorities.


From this successful event, it has become abundantly clear that the state must prioritize local needs during this budget cycle. Wisconsinites need better local roads and access to transit services rather than massive highway expansion projects.


To make your voice heard in the budget cycle, there are many ways to lean in:

1)      Sign the petition asking your state leader to prioritize Wisconsinite’s real transportation needs. Then, ask ten of your friends to sign it.

2)      Share your story with us about why public transportation matters to you.

3)      Share your transportation needs by taking this short transportation survey.

4)      Ask a business you frequent to speak out about why public transportation matters to them by filling out a survey – both to get customers and employees to and from their location.

5)      Save the Date: WISDOM, an interfaith social justice organization, is hosting a day of action on March 30.


If you’re looking for a way to get even more engaged in this work, contact Elizabeth Ward and



P.S. Thank you to all of our partners who helped make the summit happen!

Thank you to our partners for Arrive Together!