Moving Beyond Coal

On Friday, November 18, the Sustainable Madison Committee’s Energy and Carbon Workgroup passed a goal of a 100% carbon free community for the City of Madison! Now this goal gets passed on to the full Sustainable Madison Committee to vote on for December 16.  It’s absolutely time for Madison to join the ranks of cities with 100% clean energy goals and especially for Madison to move beyond coal to clean energy.

Clean energy is taking over!


2016 is on track to be a record breaker for clean energy.


Which is good because it's also on track to be a record breaker for other reasons.



Across the country, clean energy is growing at unprecedented rates. 



You read that right. It includes states that are lead by Republicans and states that are lead by Democrats, including some surprising states.



Yet Wisconsin is lagging behind.


Thankfully, communities across Wisconsin are stepping up.


For example, cities to residents are teaming up to get more solar,


Which is good because clean energy creates jobs.



However, many of our utilities are missing the boat.



It's time for them to catch up because we're ready to move beyond coal to clean energy, and Madison has the potential to lead this transition in our state! 

If you're ready to support this transition, sign the petition encouraging Madison Gas and Electric to become a clean energy leader and/or attend the Sustainable Madison Committee meeting on Monday, December 19 at 4:30 pm in the City County Building to demonstrate support for the workgroup's plan, with the inclusion of a goal for 100% clean energy in Madison!