Listening Session with US EPA Region V Administrator Robert Kaplan

Water image


WHAT: Water pollution, quality and quantity are serious concerns across the state. Many people are personally impacted by these issues. If you have concerns about your water resources - for example discharges from industry or sewage treatment plants and CAFOs, contaminates in municipal drinking water supplies or the role of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources in managing those resources, join us at a listening session with the US EPA Region V Administrator Robert Kaplan.


If you are planning to attend please RSVP using this website:


WHEN: November 15, 2016


WHERE: Room 30, Chippewa Valley Technical College, Business Education Center, 620 West Clairemont Avenue, Eau Claire, WI  54701.


Members of the public are invited to come and share their thoughts and concerns about the implementation of the Clean Water Act and Safe Drinking Water Act in Wisconsin to the Administrator of US EPA’s Region V, Robert Kaplan.  Administrator Kaplan will give a brief description of the US EPA’s role in Wisconsin and their current activities in Wisconsin, and then he will hear from the public.  Depending on the number of individuals that want to speak, each person will be requested to limit their remarks to three minutes. Please bring written comments as well in case we cannot accommodate all that would like to speak.


This event is sponsored by the Sierra Club – John Muir Chapter, Midwest Environmental Advocates, River Alliance of Wisconsin, Wisconsin Lakes Association, Wisconsin League of Conservation Voters and Clean Wisconsin



Please share the attached parking permit and/or the following parking information with all presenters and participants:


You and your participants may park in the RCU Visitor Lot (P1 on the map) or the Student Lot (P3) using the attached parking permit for each vehicle. Another option is to park in the Pay-Per-Hour Lot (P7) for a fee.


If you have any questions or concerns about parking, the Public Safety Office general phone number is 715-833-6202.


Link to Sierra Club petition 


RSVP here: