Real Independence for the Fourth of July

It’s that time of the year again, the Fourth of July, when we gather with friends and family, watch the fireworks and parades, have barbecues and most importantly celebrate our nation's independence.  This Fourth of July, we should also use this time to reflect on our future and the need to become an energy independent nation. American Flag

There is an urgent need, for all Americans, to curb and eliminate our dependence on foreign oil.  We need to move away from and, become independent of, foreign oil, including that which comes from the Middle East or that comes from Canada by way of destroying beautiful boreal forests.  

More specific to Wisconsin, we should move toward becoming energy independent from other states as well.  Instead of using coal and natural gas that we have to purchase from other states, we should harvest all of the potential  clean energy we have right here, in our own state, thus investing in our state’s economy and creating clean energy jobs.  Just to elaborate on this a little more, Wisconsin currently sends $16 billion out-of-state, on fossil fuels, to fulfill our energy needs.  However, Wisconsin has abundant in-state resources like wind and solar that create energy while also protecting our air and water.  This is an opportunity to reduce fossil fuel usage with energy efficiency and transportation options and alternatives.  Investing in these renewable resources will present Wisconsin with a unique opportunity to create sustainable, family-supporting jobs, keep energy dollars in the state, curb climate-changing emissions and, protect all Wisconsin citizens. 

Decision-makers have the choice between sending fossil fuel dollars to Wyoming and West Virginia, or to keep our energy dollars right here to invest in Wisconsin farmers, manufacturers and businesses.  We urge Wisconsin lawmakers to put Wisconsin first and invest in energy efficiency, wind, solar, alternative modes of transportation, and ultimately to invest in our energy independence.

On an individual level, please take time to reflect on all of the ways you can limit your own dependence on energy.  By curbing your electrical use, investing in solar, driving less and pursuing efficient modes of transportation, you can get that much closer to becoming energy independent yourself!

The Sierra Club-John Muir Chapter has many resources which can help you move toward energy independence, including a program that allows you to become energy independent while getting a discount on solar panels through a unionized (what’s more American than that?) company that will also give a donation to the Sierra Club! Find out more on our website here.