FREE BUS to the MREA Energy Fair

Are you interested in sustainability and clean energy? How about great food and live music? Then make plans to attend the Midwest Renewable Energy Association's 27th annual Energy Fair next weekend, June 17-19, in Custer, WI (seven miles east of Stevens Point).
The Energy Fair will feature:
  • engaging keynote speakers
  • 200 exhibitors
  • 250 workshops (everything from backyard chickens to windmills)
  • clean energy and green building demonstrations
  • activities for the whole family
The Four Lakes Group of the Sierra Club is sponsoring a FREE bus to the fair on Saturday, June 18. You can reserve your spot on the bus here. Saturday's lineup will feature keynote speakers Nomi Prins and Sandrine Mubenga, over 100 workshops on sustainable living and clean energy, the Clean Transportation Show, solar vendors, and more.