Support Solar in St. Croix County

Across the Midwest, the country, and even the world, it is becoming increasingly clear that the clean energy economy is here.  A third of the electricity in Iowa is now produced by wind energy.  In 2014, half of the electricity installed in the United States was wind and solar.  In the first half of 2015, 75% of the new electricity installed was clean energy.  With this clean energy comes clean energy jobs that are family-supporting and cannot be exported.  In Wisconsin, where we do not have any coal, oil, or natural gas, clean energy jobs meaning we are putting Wisconsin first and not sending our money to other states.  This is why we need to be moving quickly in Wisconsin to embrace the clean energy economy.

Luckily, it is happening in some places.  Dairyland Coop has committed to reducing their dependence on coal by investing in 15mw of solar.  This is an important first step towards growing the amount of solar in Wisconsin.  According to Dairyland, the solar facilities will be able to produce enough renewable energy to power over 2,500 homes.

Fortunately, one component of the project—a 2mw solar project in Roberts (St. Croix County) is moving forward.  The project will is up for its permit from the St. Croix County Board of Adjustment.  This is an important project that will benefit all of Wisconsin by the reduction in coal use, which contributes to air and water pollution and climate change.

Additionally, SoCore Energy, the developer for the project, has committed to planting native vegetation in and around the project area. This will improve groundwater recharge in the area as well as support local wildlife.  Indeed, there is no safer, more efficient and environmentally responsible way of generating electricity than with, solar, especially from an array alongside a utility substation.  Unfortunately, the project has been facing some opposition, so we need your help to support it!

 There will be a hearing about the project:

Tuesday, May 24, 2016
8:30 AM
County Board Room,
1101 Carmichael Road,
Hudson, WI

Attend and show your support for the project!  If you can’t attend, you can find the contact information for the Board of Adjustments here.  Let them know you support moving forward on solar projects.