Your Vote Makes a Difference on April 5!

We are less than five days away from a really critical election.  The media has been in a frenzy over the Presidential Primary.  This is important and everyone should research the positions of the candidates and make decisions accordingly.  However, next week’s election is so much moreAfter a Legislative Session when our legislators rolled back so many of our important environmental protections, Tuesday’s election is more important than ever. 

Wisconsin Supreme Court Race

I Voted Today sticker

The 2011 Supreme Court decision in the Lake Beulah  v. DNR case stated that the DNR has the authority—and the responsibility—to consider the environmental impacts of significant groundwater removal.   In 2012, the Supreme Court decision in the case of Zwiefelhofer v. Town of Cooks Valley upheld the right of a town to regulate frac-sand mining.  In 2013, the Supreme Court upheld the property rights of the Engelking family when Enbridge Energy tried to seize all of their land for more tar sands pipelines.  Wisconsin Supreme Court decisions are some of the most important environmental protections we have.


Whoever is elected on Tuesday will work with the rest of the Justices on the Supreme Court for the next decade on similarly important decisions.  Given many of the laws have passed the legislature recently conflict with some parts of Wisconsin’s constitution, this could mean deciding between upholding the Public Trust Doctrine (Wisconsin’s highest water protections) or allowing laws that undermine these safeguards.  The Wisconsin Supreme Court race is the most important election on the ballot Tuesday.


Local Elections

When the legislature and the DNR opted to give Enbridge a permit to build the country’s largest tar sands pipeline through Wisconsin, it was the Dane County Board that scrutinized the application the most.  After researching the issue, it was permitted it with requirements that protected the residents of Dane County.  As the DNR has continues to ignore the threats that frac-sand mining poses to public health and our lands, it is local town, village, and county boards that are exercising due-diligence in making decisions on these applications.  While the legislature stalls to move clean energy and clean transportation initiatives forward, local communities are funding bus systems and solar panels.  Decisions at the local level will move Wisconsin forward despite the actions of the state legislature.


You don’t want to have to wait until a frac-sand mine or tar sands pipeline proposal come to your community to find out where your County Board or city, village, or town officials stand on the issues.  Ask questions now and vote for the candidate that will protect the clean air, water, and quality of life in your community. 



Sierra Club Endorsements

Before each election, our volunteer-powered Political Committee evaluates candidate's voting records and commitments to conservation. The Political Committee may include federal, state, and local government races, as well as ballot measures, and shall be conducted in compliance with applicable law and in accordance with the Club's electoral compliance guidelines.  All endorsements in local elections are made in conjunction with the local Sierra Club group.  All endorsements in federal elections are in partnership with the National Sierra Club.  Click here to see our 2016 endorsements so far.


Prepare to Vote and don’t forget your Voter ID!

Wisconsin’s Voter ID law is being enforced for the first time this year.  This can add confusion to the voting process, so be prepared!  Visit to learn which ID’s are valid or how to get a voter ID if yours does not work.   

Part of being prepared means knowing what is on your ballot. shows you where to vote, how to vote, and a sample ballot so you know all of the races and can research in advance.  If you have any questions, contact us at (608) 256-0565 or