Ronda Metcalf

As manager of her tribe’s environmental program, Ronda brings the traditional Sauk-Suiattle tribal knowledge along with her scientific knowledge and interest in meeting environmental challenges, especially as related to the restoration of salmon-bearing streams.  She has worked diligently for the restoration of salmon populations.  Ronda strongly opposes the oil trains on our Pacific Northwest rail routes and she welcomes the inclusion of tribal traditions in our environmental work.  Ronda is enthusiastic about transitioning to clean energy resources that reduce greenhouse gas emissions.  She sees the potential for new workforce development through apprenticeships and other programs to retrain workers and train youth.  

Transportation is of major importance to Ronda, and she supports transportation choices that can help reduce greenhouse gases and serve the needs of rural people in her region.  Related land use issues (new developments and water scarcity and quality as our county expands rapidly) are matters that she would like to address.  She opposes sprawl and supports affordable, safe housing that is an urgent need in Snohomish County, as elsewhere.  The Amalgamated Transit Union has endorsed her campaign.