Public Lands Team

Do you want to protect our environment but don't know where to start? Looking for a community of new advocates to learn and make change together? Then you've come to the right place.


About Us

We fuel the next generation of Sierra Club members by engaging new activists that seek to protect the ecological integrity of our state and local public lands in Washington State. We focus on how to better identify and understand ongoing issues including carbon sequestration, biodiversity, and recreational access. When you join our events, you gain tools to navigate in successful activism, network with other non-profits in this sector, get outside to see the risks and importance of our public lands, and of course have fun while actively protecting our precious natural resources!

A diverse group of hikers on the trail, facing the camera with one hiker in front holder a bundle of campfire wood above them triumphantly



What We Do

We dig deep:  Every quarter, the Public Lands team focuses on specific topics to deep dive into.  We know that it can be intimidating to understand the different issues out there - so we try to make that learning more accessible and fun!

We go outside:  Every month our team hosts an outside event related to the topic of the season. These activities change all the time, but have included hikes in threatened forests, urban walks, tours of fish hatcheries, beginner backpacking trips, and service days like litter pickups or tree planting.

We take action:  On the third Tuesday of every month, we meet up in person (and sometimes virtually) to learn about our topics and build skills to take action. Past meetups have included documentary movie screenings, Q&A discussions with local experts, letter writing to stop timber sales, public testimony workshops, and more!

Flyer for Public Lands Team topics for 2024. Winter topic is Waste management and public lands; Spring topic is Protecting Mature Forests; Summer topic is access and equity in the outdoors; fall topic is stoping salmon extincion


Join us!

Ready to be a part of our club and get involved? Our events are always open to join - whether you want to come to one event or all.

Upcoming events:

Hike on a Landfill at the Arboretum | Sat. January 13th,  10:00-1:00 pm RSVP here

Movie Night: Secrets of the Mega Landfill  | Tues. January 16th 6:00-8:00pm RSVP here

Talking Trash: How to lobby for a zero-waste future | Tues. February 20th, 6:00-7:00 pm RSVP here

Have questions or want to learn more? Drop us a line!