North Olympic Group




We organized in 2010 and have quickly become a powerful voice for addressing environmental issues on the Olympic Peninsula. We have over 1,500 members in Clallam and Jefferson counties. Our operations are governed by an Executive Committee and we are always seeking new volunteers as we have no paid staff. Executive Committee meetings are generally held vitually on the third Thursday of each month. All Sierra Club members are encouraged to attend. We also have monthly membership meetings with guest speakers to introduce our members to the magnificent wilderness right here in our own backyard.

Read about our accomplishments.



Mailing Address: PO Box 2664

Sequim, WA  98382


Find past newsletters from 2014 to 2024 on our Newsletter page.

Read our current April 2024 Newsletter.


Q&A Blue Glacier Film Screening by North Olympic Group Sierra Club

The father/son team, Will and Chip Freund, returned to the Blue Glacier 40 years after Chip documented the glacier as a student conservation volunteer in Olympic National Park. He found 50% of the glacier had disappeared in the intervening time due to a warming climate from the burning of fossil fuels. Will and Chip's film, now entered into Pacific NW film festivals, brings this tragedy home in a visceral way that motivates us to take both personal and collective action to address climate change. This video contains a Q&A with the filmmakers.


Save Miller Peninsula

North Olympic Sierra Club Event on October 19, 2023

Presented by Darlene Schanfald, Chair, Sierra Club North Olympic Group

This video provides a historical perspective on citizen efforts that saved the Miller Peninsula from industrial development, current plans by Washington State Parks to replace this vital and unique ecosystem with inappropriate uses, and why it matters to continue to fight to preserve this important habitat.


 Meet Jennifer Johnston  

Discover Environmental Education Opportunities at Western Washington University and the College of the Environment at Peninsula Community College

Our June 2023 guest, Jennifer Johnston, told us about exciting environmental educational opportunities at Western Washington University’s College of the Environment and its campuses throughout the Salish Sea--including Peninsula Community College.

Jennifer has over 20 years of experience as an instructor in higher education. She has taught grant writing, technical writing, and the personal essay to students at Johns Hopkins University, American University, Chemeketa Community College, and Hillsborough Community College. Her graduate work at Harvard University and at the University of Oregon focused on public policy, adult education, and creative writing. In her spare time she enjoys running on the Discovery Trail and walking on the Dungeness Levee Trail. Watch the recording of her presentation.


 Dr. Chad Hanson’s Presentation on Wildfires and Western Forests

Presented by North Olympic and Sno-Isle Sierra Club Groups on June 16, 2022

Chad Hanson is a research ecologist and the director of the John Muir Project of Earth Island Institute. His research has focused on fire ecology in conifer forest ecosystems and he is the author of the 2021 book, Smokescreen: Debunking Wildfire Myths to Save Our Forests and Our Climate.


 Does DNR Have a Responsibility to Protect Future Generations from Climate Disruption?


Guest Speakers: Connie Gallant, President, Olympic Forest Coalition and Patricia Jones, Executive Director, Olympic Forest Coalition (OFCO)

Watch the recording and hear Connie and Patricia discuss the historic "All the People Case" (Conservation Northwest, Washington Environmental Council, Olympic Forest Coalition, et. al. v. Franz), now before the Washington Supreme Court. The case challenges DNR's narrow interpretation of Washington's Constitution and federal law in managing trust forest lands.  Central to this is whether DNR's sole fiduciary responsibility is to generate revenue from timber sales or whether it has other obligations to Washington citizens not now being met (e.g., mitigating the adverse effects of climate change).

Expert Tips for Smart Recyclers

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, the average American household generates nearly 15 pounds of trash per day.  Even though most people try to recycle at least some of their trash, most of that waste winds up in landfills and incinerators.

Hear from the experts on how to recycle in Jefferson and Clallam Counties. Click on the video of October’s presentation by Laura Tucker, Jefferson County Public Health, and Meggan Uecker, Solid Waste Superintendent, City of Port Angeles.


 Stephanie Hillman, Sierra Club Organizer, Talks to Members About the Trans Mountain Pipeline

Watch the recording of our July membership meeting at which Sierra Club Organizer, Stephanie Hillman, talked about efforts to stop the Trans Mountain Pipeline. The pipeline would increase tanker traffic in our waters by 700% and threaten our pristine beaches and marine ecosystem with a vastly increased potential for oil spills. 


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