Get Outside with Sierra Club: Join our Chapter Outings Program and Help Us Connect People with the Outdoors!


By Mariska Kecskés, WA Chapter Public Lands Organizer

Over the past two years, the pandemic has underscored the importance of access to outdoor spaces. Whether daily pandemic walks for one’s sanity, hikes with your pod, or the many birthday parties in public parks – time outside became one of the few respites from our otherwise limited pandemic routines. The cruel irony, of course, is that the pandemic also forced most outdoor engagement programs to go on hiatus, including Sierra Club Outings, which nationwide brings over 250,000 folks outside.

Sierra Club outings were finally able to resume last July with new COVID-19 protocols in place to keep people safe. While this greenlight was an important first step, it has taken Chapters and Groups time to rebuild their respective Outings programs after the long hiatus while still responding to changing circumstances like the Omicron variant in the fall.

Those of us here at the Washington State Chapter did a soft re-launch of our Outings Program last fall - we hosted a new Outings Leader Training with our Public Lands Team and have been in the process of getting new leaders fully certified throughout the winter. At the same time local groups, like Loo Wit, started back up by leading their own outings as well.

Smiling Hikers

We are now looking forward to continuing the process of rebuilding a robust Outings Program in Washington State. Our vision is to create a program that reduces barriers and expands access for all people to explore and enjoy nature while also establishing clear pathways for collaboration between outings and advocacy. We believe that direct connection to nature can and should form the foundation of a broad, diverse, and powerful grassroots environmental movement, from which a new generation of leaders will be inspired to protect and restore our lands, while prioritizing communities most negatively impacted by climate change and a lack of access to nature and the outdoors.

As the saying goes, teamwork makes the dream work, and we can’t achieve this vision alone. Whether you want to connect with the statewide Chapter, become more active with your local Group, or form your own Outings team, there is a place for you! Below are ways you can get involved to help us create an amazing Washington Outings Program together:

Apply to be the next State Chapter Outings Chair
We are currently looking for a volunteer to be our next Outings Chair! As Chair, you will work with Chapter and Group leadership to help develop a new Outings Committee, and lead this team in managing and growing the Washington Outings Program across the state.
This is a great opportunity for someone who is interested in taking on a leadership role within Sierra Club, likes to collaborate with others, and is passionate about bringing people to the outdoors! Experience in leading teams and facilitation is a plus. Click here to learn more and apply.

Become an Outings Leader
Want to organize and bring people on trips outside to explore, enjoy, and help protect our region's most beautiful places? Become an Outings Leader! Training to be an Outings Leader can help you develop the skills and confidence you need to help others have safe and enjoyable experiences outdoors, while also teaching others how to advocate for the places they love! If interested, email to get connected to the next new leaders training.

Join an Outing
If you're not quite ready to lead an outing yourself, then you can still support the program by being a participant! Joining an outing is a great way to meet new people and connect with your local environment. You can find upcoming Outings on our Chapter Calendar or one of the Sierra Club Meetup groups for your region. Our Public Lands Team also hosts outings on the second weekend of every month, so check back regularly for updates!

Group of hikers


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