A Solution for Snake River Salmon and Help for Beleaguered Orca Is Within Reach

By Bill Arthur, Snake/Columbia River Salmon Campaign Chair

Now is the time to step up for salmon! Please support Senator Murray and Governor Inslee in their initiative with Northwest tribes, other policymakers, stakeholders, and communities to develop a comprehensive plan to protect and recover endangered salmon and steelhead populations in the Snake River Basin.

Take Action!

Thanks to the good work of Sierra Club members and our allies across the Northwest, strong leadership of Northwest tribes, and key political leaders stepping up, we end this year with good news. We are in a strong position for securing a salmon plan that can recover endangered Snake and Columbia River salmon, help orca and, includes the essential action of breaching the four Lower Snake River dams.  The  Three important actions occurred as we close out this year: 

  1. The Murray/Inslee initiative: Announced in May by Senator Murray and Governor Inslee from Washington, the initiative set to develop a solution and action plan for Snake and Columbia River salmon has moved forward.  They announced at the end of October, their intention to identify how to replace the services provided from these dams and their commitment to put forward a plan for congressional action by no later than July 2022. Conversations with the tribes and relevant stakeholders are underway and we anticipate a public comment opportunity early next year.

  2. The Biden Administration Support: At the end of October, the Biden Administration reached an agreement with plaintiffs (including the Sierra Club, Nez Perce tribe and state of Oregon) for near-term 2022 river operations and also committed to developing a comprehensive solution – that will closely look at dam removal – on a similar timeline.  This agreement brings the senior leadership of the administration into the issue with a commitment to help forge a solution that works and respects the treaty rights of the tribes.

  3. The Washington State Pollution Control Hearing Board (PCHB) Decision: The PCHB decided that  Washington state had the authority to regulate pollution, including water temperature, at the dams on the lower Snake and Columbia River. Background: Washington used its authority under the Clean Water Act to require the Army Corps to reduce heat pollution from the Snake and Columbia river dams, which is contributing to the extinction of the endangered salmon.  The Army Corps challenged Washington's decision, but the PCHB upheld Washington’s authority to regulate the dams’ heat pollution.  Modeling by the Environmental Protection Agency shows the only way to meet temperature standards is to either draw down the reservoirs behind multiple dams to near river levels or breach the lower Snake River dams.  This brings additional legal tools and pressure to address the increasing problem of lethal temperatures in Snake and Columbia Rivers.

These important actions build on the proposal put forward by Rep. Simpson from Idaho at the beginning of the year which served as a catalyst for moving a long-needed regional discussion forward.   For the first time ever, we have senior leadership from all three states (WA, OR, ID) and serious engagement at the senior level of the Biden administration to forge a solution that recovers salmon and steelhead and honors the treaties we have signed with Northwest tribes.

This good news is tempered by the fact that our salmon and steelhead remain in dire straits.  The orca that depends on salmon also remain at risk.  This year, once again, saw record low returns of Sockeye salmon and lethally warm temperatures.  The Chinook runs, while slightly improved from last year, continue at historic lows well short of what is necessary to avoid extinction, and the steelhead runs are the lowest ever since we began keeping records.  We have suffered the loss of several members of the critically low population of orca. 

Time is not on our side and the sense of urgency is growing for all who care about this precious part of our Northwest heritage.  We need to move forward with actionable plans including removing the four lower Snake River dams with the urgency that is needed.  We don’t have a lot of time to put together a comprehensive proposal and congressional action plan before the July 22 deadline.

That is why we support the initiative by Senator Murray and Governor Inslee and the deadline they have set for developing a plan.  But we must see congress act on a package next year that authorizes the breaching of the lower Snake River dams and make the investments to replace the services they currently provide.  We are committed to a comprehensive solution that respects treaty rights, invests in clean reliable energy and transportation infrastructure.

Please take a moment now to send a message to your member of congress and Senators Murray and Cantwell!

Now is the time to step up for salmon! Please support Senator Murray and Governor Inslee in their initiative with Northwest tribes, other policymakers, stakeholders, and communities to develop a comprehensive plan to protect and recover endangered salmon and steelhead populations in the Snake River Basin.

Take Action!


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