An Obscure State Agency Could Help Washington Lead the Country in Clean Electricity

By Dylan Plummer, Senior Campaign Representative on Building Electrification in the PNW

The State Building Code Council (SBCC), a little known and extremely wonky governmental body appointed by the Governor, has an historic opportunity to help transition Washington off of fracked “natural” gas and to clean, renewable electricity. Specifically, they have the opportunity to amend the state building code to mandate that all new commercial buildings be constructed with super efficient electric heat pump space and water heaters, instead of those using fracked gas. This move would make Washington’s building code the most progressive and climate friendly in the country, and cement the State’s position as a national climate leader in the transition off of fossil fuels. 

This effort comes as cities and states across the country are taking action to electrify homes and buildings to reduce climate pollution and to protect public health. As of now, over 50 cities in California alone have passed these policies. Just this past February, the Sierra Club worked with the city of Seattle to pass a similar policy to the one currently being considered by the SBCC to mandate that all new commercial buildings be constructed with 100% electric appliances. 

The direct use of gas in the building sector is the fastest growing source of emissions in the region and it is imperative that all levels of government are taking concrete action to electrify as quickly as possible. According to the US Energy Information Administration, in 2018, burning fossil fuels in the buildings sector in Washington produced 18 million metric tons (MMT) of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e). These emissions are equivalent to the annual emissions from 3,957,182 cars or 5 coal plants, and amounts to 19% of the total emissions from fossil fuel combustion in the state. 

The emissions from these appliances aren’t just hurting our climate. According to a Harvard study conducted this May, in Washington, burning fossil fuels in buildings was responsible for 52 premature deaths and $577,650,107 in health impacts in 2017. Another shocking report showed that children that grow up with gas stoves have a 42% higher risk of developing asthmatic symptoms. As the body of research grows, it is clear that burning fracked gas in our homes and our communities is an immediate threat to the health of ourselves and our families.

The Sierra Club is working with our partners across the State to make sure that the SBCC approves these proposed changes to make sure that new buildings in Washington are as safe and sustainable as possible. But we can’t do it on our own - we need you to submit a comment to the agency telling them how important this transition is for the health of our communities and our climate. You can learn more about this effort, and about our campaign to electrify buildings, by watching a recording of our webinar on the subject. Email Ruth Sawyer ( for the link to the webinar!

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