Insurance Companies Are Our Next Big Target


Art by Justseeds

In the midst of a global public health crisis, the fossil fuel industry is accelerating its planet-wrecking agenda & Liberty Mutual, Chubb, and AIG are helping them do so. Tell them: Stop Insuring Tar Sands!

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 Victoria Leistman, Dirty Fuels Organizer

Hey fossil fuel fighters! Remember the TransMountain (TMX) pipeline and tanker project? It is a reckless project that would increase tanker traffic through shared Washington and British Columbia waters by seven hundred percent, endangering the already struggling Southern Resident orca population.

The existing Trans Mountain pipeline needs at least USD 500 million of insurance to operate according to Canadian law. This represents a point of intervention for corporate campaigning against the project. We know that insurance companies respond to public pressure because they care about their public image, and do not like to be drawn into controversial fossil fuel project fights. 

Last year, campaigning efforts led to three insurance companies cutting ties with the pipeline: Zurich (the lead insurer), Munich Re, and Talanx. We are hoping to build on this momentum to drive away more insurers in this next renewal cycle. We’re focusing on the three big US- based companies on the list: Liberty Mutual, Chubb and AIG. We need to make sure they are next to drop insurance coverage of the Trans Mountain pipeline and rule out insuring the entire tar sands sector.

Right now, Trans Mountain is on the market shopping around for the pipeline’s next policy, which will be in place from September 1, 2021 to August 31, 2022. The deals will likely be near final by July. This means that May and June represents a critical window in which to pressure insurers to not renew their policies. There is an upcoming week of action starting June 14th in partnership with our friends at Insure Our Future to turn up the heat on these companies!

The shared Salish Sea, our tight-knit marine communities, the rights and survival of tribal nations, and our livelihoods are at risk. But, if these companies withdraw their financial support, it could spell the end for TMX, and put any new tar sands projects on watch.

Despite the recent disappointing ruling by Canada’s top court, First Nations remain steadfast in their opposition and we will too. Tar sands pipelines are the epitome of risk: for Indigenous communities, waterways, the climate, and public health. Without insurance, new tar sands pipelines cannot be built, and we can make sure that this project doesn’t get the backing it needs to ever become a reality. 

All of us who believe in putting people over profit must send a powerful message to these companies: stop fueling climate chaos and insuring human rights abuses. Help us send the message by joining the week of action starting June 14-18th!

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